Going gaga over Rara

by Rashvinjeet S. Bedi
Star Online
September 23, 2014

EXCLUSIVE: DAP’s Syefura Othman, better known as Rara, is not cowed by the criticism she has received for joining the party.

KUALA LUMPUR: It was by accident that Young Syefura Othman (yes, that is her real name but more about that later) – better known as Rara was thrust into the political limelight.

She had sent an application form to join DAP to Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, who then tweeted a group picture of them.

This was in July, just two days before Ramadhan.

The rest they say is history. The picture went viral on social networking sites with the DAP news organ Roketkini labelling her “awek cun” in a report.

“I am not really comfortable about that because I think it’s a bit sexist. I will however try and take it positively,” the demure and soft- spoken lass told the Star Online in an interview. Continue reading “Going gaga over Rara”

Targetting Anwar on sedition for his 2011 speech worst form of political vendetta and gross abuse of power – would Zahid ensure police would investigate Mahathir “within 24 hours” when sedition report lodged against former PM?

Targetting Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim under the Sedition Act for his ceramah speech in March 2011 is the worst form of political vendetta and gross abuse of power in the latest regime of “white terror” to create a climate of fear to stifle criticism and dissent in the country.

Amnesty International’s deputy Asia-Pacific director Rupert Abbot hit the nail on the head when he described as “blatant persecution” Putrajaya’s move to probe Anwar for sedition for what he said in a ceramah more than three years ago.

If what Anwar said in March 2011 did not warrant any police investigation under the Sedition Act for more than three years, what is the merit and justification now to probe Anwar for sedition for what he said more than three years ago apart from being a disgraceful case of persecution, political vendetta and gross abuse of power?

It may be argued that there is no statutory limitation for sedition but this should apply indiscriminately to everyone, whether in government or otherwise.

There is also also no statutory limitation for corruption offences, but no one in the pinnacles of power in Malaysia seems to need to worry about this! Continue reading “Targetting Anwar on sedition for his 2011 speech worst form of political vendetta and gross abuse of power – would Zahid ensure police would investigate Mahathir “within 24 hours” when sedition report lodged against former PM?”

DAP Selangor will extend its fullest support to Azmin Ali to provide him with every opportunity to prove himself to be the best Menteri Besar Selangor has ever had

Tony Pua
DAP Selangor Chairman and MP for Petaling Jaya Utara
22 Sep 2014

DAP Selangor welcomes the appointment of the state assemblyman for Bukit Antarabangsa, Azmin Ali as the new Menteri Besar of Selangor which brings to an end a unnecessary and frustrating protracted political crisis in the state.

While DAP Selangor is gravely concerned over how the will of the majority in the state assembly has been trampled upon, it is equally important that we end the political crisis swiftly so that we can resume normal service to serve the people of Selangor.

Hence, DAP Selangor and our state assemblymen will give the fullest support and cooperation to the new Menteri Besar to ensure that we maximize the opportunity over the next 3 years to prove to the people why the crisis and their patience is worth the while.

With the appointment of Azmin Ali, the new Government has been given a fresh start to succeed where the previous administratrion has failed, and to achieve a higher level of success than Pakatan Rakyat did in the first 5 years of our administration from 2008-2013.

DAP Selangor looks forward to an administration led by Azmin and the new Exco line-up which is more consultative, inclusive and people-centric to fulfill Pakatan Rakyat’s promises to the people. We believe that by working as a team, Azmin Ali will be able to take Selangor to greater heights by making it the best-run state in the country. Continue reading “DAP Selangor will extend its fullest support to Azmin Ali to provide him with every opportunity to prove himself to be the best Menteri Besar Selangor has ever had”

An open letter to Azmin Ali, Menteri Besar of Selangor

23 September 2014

Dear Azmin Ali,

Selangor gets a new menteri besar today in you and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) gets to continue running the country’s wealthiest state after a messy nine months of politicking that has left people wondering why it even happened.

How different will you be from the previous occupant of the office in Shah Alam, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim? Continue reading “An open letter to Azmin Ali, Menteri Besar of Selangor”