Lim Kit Siang

Malaysia Reborn

Allan CF Goh

Malaysia Reborn is full of charms,
With white beaches and tall swaying palms.
The redolent air is fresh and cool,
Blowing with gentle, caressing balm.
Native animals are free to roam;
Forests grow in protected freedom.
Myriad flowers bloom in ecstasy,
Their habitats are saved by wisdom.

This country is a peaceful nation,
Where people live in real maturity.
Each respects the other’s differences,
Celebrating our diversity.
Malaysians embrace creative life;
Citizens live with true harmony.
They pursue fruitful activities,
Undisturbed by vile cacophony.

My dreamland boasts of a government,
Most answerable to the people;
Parliament ensures proper justice,
And make people’s lives rich and simple.
My country exudes inspired fairness;
True justice is the accepted norm.
Laws are applied with good clarity,
In a good legally balanced form.

The authority runs elections,
Which are really fair and transparent.
All citizens are enfranchised,
To guarantee his right inherent.
Malaysia Reborn supports fair voting,
To ensure people-power better.
Elections are for choosing good folks,
Not having rascals from the gutter.

The good educational system
Produces the best true scholarship,
In knowledge, thinking and new research.
It maintains a good, proud readership.
People in Malaysia Reborn,
Are free to pursue their potential.
There is no uncalled for obstacle;
They pursue real needs, nothing racial.

The country is full of genteel folks,
Who are learned and humbly courteous.
People know their civil liberties,
And firmly stand by what are righteous.
Malaysia Reborn, people’s dream,
Is committed to “Right is might”.
We will not allow the racists,
Nor the bigots to the country, blight.

Can Malaysia Reborn exist?
Come true? A real possibility?
Yes, if all good citizens come forth
And bear their responsibility.
The nation cannot afford at all
Selfish leaders, men incapable.
Corrupt men and prejudiced visions
Will lead the State to ends ignoble.