Lim Kit Siang

‘Kajang Move’ is ready to go to Shah Alam

– Dr. Tan Eng Bee
The Malaysian Insider
17 August 2014

Finally, PAS has sealed the fate of Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim with its concluded meeting on today that the party is not concerned with Khalid but has endorsed either Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah or Azmin Ali as the next menteri besar of Selangor.

While some would think otherwise, I have maintained that PAS’s decision was expected as its continuous political survival lies in its affiliation with Pakatan Raayat, failing which, the party may face a backlash at GE14, had the party chosen to support Khalid.

For PAS to leave the the coalition partnership is a sure political suicide as the coalition was given a strong mandate at GE13.

This is another episode which shows that when it comes to the core issue of survival of the coalition party, DAP, PKR and PAS have no alternative but to close rank and opt for a compromise that will see to their continuous survival in the political arena where only the fittest will survive.

The stage is set for Khalid to seek an audience with the Sultan of Selangor and gracefully tender his resignation as he has lost the majority support of his political friends in the state assembly.

To dissolve the state assembly is not an option but merely an unnecessary tedious process as there is a very strong mandate for the present state government under PR to continue except for the change of the menteri besar.

I hope Khalid will not even think of proposing the option to the Sultan as his former political masters are still in the driver’s seat and due respect should be given to them to continue without hindrance.

To tender his resignation is the right and honourable thing to do so as to safeguard his stature and dignity as a politician.

Khalid has said that he wants to see that procedures are followed as far as his removal is concerned. I am sure the signs are there for him to take note and to do the right thing at this juncture where the people of Selangor want to get on with their lives and not to contend with another state by-election.

Khalid has prolonged his stay by doing whatever it takes to ensure every option was explored and exploited to the fullest to see that he lives another day in the highest seat of power in Shah Alam.

The day has come where he has no alternative but to bow out gracefully and honourably in a manner that is expected of a man who was sacked and who has lost the support of the majority in the state assembly.

The stage is set to bring the entire episode to a close. There is no returning. It is about moving the state forward.

It is about the welfare of the people of Selangor and not about an individual. The welfare of the state supersedes and is paramount above all other personal or political considerations.

As one residing in Kajang, may I say this: Kajang is ready to send its newly-elected representative, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah to Shah Alam.

The people of Selangor are tired of what had transpired and are ready to welcome the person who is slotted to take over, the person who was put into office though “Kajang Move.”

“Kajang Move” will steer the state to higher heights and the nation will benefit too once the richest state in Malaysia is politically stable, secured and unwavering in its endeavour to serve the people and to bring further developments and progress to the state.

“Kajang Move” is ready to go to Shah Alam.

And please do not fail the people who have put you into office.

Be committed to the call the people have placed on you when they elected the whole lot of you into office at GE13. – August 17, 2014.