Khalid has committed the grave wrong on Monday of misleading the Selangor Sultan into believing that he still commanded the majority of the state assembly when he knew that this was not the case

Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim had committed the grave wrong on Monday of misleading the Selangor Sultan into believing that he still commanded the majority of the Selangor State Assembly members after being sacked as a PKR member last Saturday, when Khalid knew that this was not the case.

Before his audience with the Sultan on Monday, , Khalid was duty and honour-bound, whether morally, politically and constitutionally, to verify that he still commanded the support of the majority of the State Assembly members to continue as Mentri Besar before making any representation to the Sultan that he still commanded the majority of the State Assembly, so that he would not be guilty of the grave wrong of misleading the Sultan as he had done on Monday.

But despite of being in the midst of a political crisis from being sacked as a member of PKR, Khalid never tried to verify from the Selangor State Assembly representatives, particularly from the 43 Pakatan Rakyat State Assembly persons from PKR, DAP and PAS who had given him the mandate to be the Pakatan Rakyat Mentri Besar of Selangor after the 2013 General Elections, whether he still commanded their support simply because he knew that he could not get such a majority support.

This is one major consequence of the declaration by 30 of the 56 Selangor State Assembly representatives today (15 from DAP, 13 from PKR and 2 from PAS) that they have lost confidence in Khalid as Selangor Mentri Besar and support Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Azizah as the new Selangor Mentri Besar.

The only honourable way for Khalid to purge his grave wrong of misleading the Sultan on Monday that he still commanded the support of the majority of the State Assembly after being sacked as a PKR member is for him to resign gracefully, as it is crystal clear that he is hanging on the post of Mentri Besar solely on the “unconditional support” of the 12 Umno/Barisan Nasional State Assembly persons, while a clear majority of 30 out of 56 Selangor State Assembly representatives have lost confidence in him, with 13 PAS Assembly members yet to declare their stand.

“You may have the numbers but I’m still MB, Khalid tells Wan Azizah”, the headline in of the news portals, reflects Khalid’s state of mind to have a last-ditch stand to cling on to the Mentri Besar’s post for as long as possible, instead of facilitating a democratic transition of power like a graceful resignation on his part or the convening of an emergency State Assembly meeting on vote-of-confidence in the Mentri Besar.

As an emergency State Assembly can only be convened by the Mentri Besar, is Khalid prepared to uphold the word and spirit of the Selangor State Constitution to convene such an emergency State Assembly meeting?

30 Replies to “Khalid has committed the grave wrong on Monday of misleading the Selangor Sultan into believing that he still commanded the majority of the state assembly when he knew that this was not the case”

  1. ///After 6 years representing Pakatan, you guys gang up to remove him illegally, and on spurious grounds a court would find laughable. /// godfather

    I am talking about fairness. I don’t care a hoot who the MB is as long as they can do the job without prejudice.

  2. ///The Chinese have made it very clear that PAS would never become a national party without Chinese support. Without the Chinese vote PAS would be merely a regional party in the Malay heartland. Hence PAS has to accommodate Chinese wishes and the removal of Khalid is one such wish amongst a half dozen or so others (such as Bibles using Allah must be permitted).//// Malaysia today

    Is our friend here trying to stir up Malay vs Chinese in order to sway the outcome?

    When he said “Chinese”, did he meant the people from China?

    1. Good take, undertaker888!

      No, I think he meant to say those Chinese in the MCA and Gerakan if PAS is to form a unity government with Umno. Any difference with Awang Salamat and Utusan?

    2. undertaker888,

      That statement by RPK is just plain silly. It is just RPK’s usual “batu api” approach to his political articles and only stupid people will fall into his trap.

      The simple fact is that votes from the Chinese alone are simply not enough for PAS.

      PAS needs the voter base from both DAP and PKR.

  3. Dis is d REALITY here
    Many layers of power
    State, Federal, n some1 who cannot b mentioned (nowadays a wrong tick on FB also kena threatened with Sedition Act)

    PR kaki can discuss, plan, wish what they want 2 do
    BUT there is a final hurdle beyond their control
    Democracy, M’sian style here – truly funny

  4. Hope this will not turn out to be another case where you have the figure of +2-3 similar to that in Perak. Margin too small to be comfortable with.

    What is the crime for lying to Tuanku?

  5. Kit Siang,I have followed your political career since the first time you stand on a DAP ticket.You never sound so desperate,why now? Rafizi has said it out loud and clear,PKR couldn’t care less if they lose Selangor.So ….?

  6. What not wait after PAS meeting before calling them traitors.You guys are putting the cart before the horse.You guys might have to eat back your own words.Isn’t it shameful if you have to eat back your words?A few days of cooler heads will not hurt,or will it?

  7. make every Pakatan state MB 1=1 year term and remaining 1 year to hand over smoothly…….then again we come out with rules when rubbish happens like Sabah….when they had a rotation when UMNO was weak and Yong was then replace with Musa for 2 terms when UMNO was stronger….how stupid..

    Nothing wors in Malaysia when UMNO-ISIS-Boko Haram-Sulu Terrorist is involved….Nothing good for the nation… Malaysia is crumbling economically….Migrate to Sabah-Sarawak!!

  8. Malaysians must realise that upsetting the apple cart for the opposition isn’t that difficult in this country.
    Especially for the ruling party with its iron grip on the wealth of the country as well as the news media.
    So, what’s happening now is nothing extraordinary.
    What this country really needs are leaders who are truly altruistic.

  9. You cast all sorts of aspersions against Khalid without any real evidence, I can also cast aspersions against Wan Azizah – that she was put there to grab the billions in the bank, that she is nothing more than a proxy for her husband, that she will soon be taking orders from her husband in jail. Who do you think Selangorians will believe ?

  10. //You cast all sorts of aspersions against Khalid without any real evidence, I can also cast aspersions against Wan Azizah – that she was put there to grab the billions in the bank, that she is nothing more than a proxy for her husband, that she will soon be taking orders from her husband in jail. Who do you think Selangorians will believe ?// godfather

    You are entitled to your own opinion. But to believe it or not is entirely up to us. The same applies the other way round.

    So why get so worked up?

  11. Godfather has not answered questions regarding Khalid’s integrity and his policies, actions, and decisions that are contrary to Pakatan’s principles and pledges. He makes disparaging remarks about ‘a housewife from Penang’, forgetting that she has been a party president for many years, is a state assemblyperson, a former MP, and a qualified ophthalmologist. The resilient Kajang SA member is immensely well-liked, has a clean record, and commands the support and confidence of the majority in the Selangor SA. On the other hand, PAS has repeatedly manifested its tendencies to go against the PR common policy framework, and has many clerics and laymen holding archaic prejudice against women and non-Muslims. While there is a risk of losing Selangor, this crisis may bring an end to the uneasy and to my mind mistaken alliance between PAS on the one hand and PKR-DAP on the other. Losing PAS is a very good thing. Anwar and Rafizi should be applauded for their decisive move in dealing with Khalid. It is inaccurate to say that removing Khalid reflects only PKR’s wish. Leaders in DAP have had grouses about his actions and decisions. See, for example,

    I think DAP has acted wisely on this issue. Keep up the good work.

  12. //#20 by Godfather on Friday, 15 August 2014 – 10:17 am
    When you lose Selangor to BN, we shall see who cries like a lost child with spilled milk.///

    Lose or win I rather see Pakatan stand as one rather than disintegrate into oblivion. If they stand as one, our umno friend will think twice of using race, religion and royalty to tear PR apart again. Time will tell.

  13. Mr Lim,

    I am no expert in constitutional law BUT I don’t think Khalid has lied to the Sultan.

    He was appointed the MB by virtue of the confidence of a majority of the state assembly and he remains so UNTIL a no-confidence vote is tabled. That;s my understanding.

    Khalid is guilty, thiugh, of the unconscionable act of exploiting the no-confidence voting system by preventing that no-confidence vote from being tabled.

    I am told that the Sultan could postpone the next convening of the State Assembly in November to prevent the no-confidence vote from being tabled


    There is a maximum limit of six months between sitting of the State Assembly before it is automatically dissolved.

    I am unsure of what other mechanisms, outside of an actual sitting of the Assembly or a snap election, are available for the elected ADUNs to inform the Sultan that the MB has lost the confidence of a majority of the Assembly.

    I would have thought that signed letters by each and every ADUN, addressed to the Sultan, would be more than sufficient.

    I confess that I was a Khalid supporter when all this started and to some extent, I still am, but from a political viewpoint and in the interest of longer term objectives, Khalid must go.

  14. PAS may have new hope when the younger politicians emerged and take over power. Today, I could see such a hope remaining in PAS when a few younger politicians dared to stand up against their leaders. In any parties, out of date old goodies have to go.

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