Quo Vadis, Pakatan Rakyat?

It is unbelievable that Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim could claim that the Selangor government is not a Pakatan government after he himself had said, both in the Selangor State Assembly and outside, for six-and-a-half years that it is a Pakatan Rakyat state government.

But what is even more unbelievable is Khalid’s ridiculous claim that the Selangor government is not a Pakatan government is endorsed by the four PAS Excos who appeared with Khalid in the media conference today – after condoning and endorsing Khalid’s arbitrary sacking of five Pakatan Rakyat Exco members from DAP and PKR by attending the Exco meeting.

Would the four PAS Excos be elected as Selangor State Assemblymen in the first place if they had not represented Pakatan Rakyat in the 2013 general elections?

The brutal truth is that Khalid is hanging on as Selangor Mentri Besar solely on the strength of the Umno/BN pledge by the Deputy Prime Minister and the UMNO Deputy President, Tan Sri Muhiddin Yassin that the 12 UMNO/Barisan Nasional State Assembly representatives in Selangor will give unconditional support to him plus the support of the 15 PAS Assembly representatives.

Instead of rising to the challenge, the Selangor Mentri Besar crisis in the past four days have destroyed much of the hard-fought gains and hopes for political change achieved by Pakatan Rakyat, the civil society and Malaysians as a whole in the past six years.

Quo Vadis, Pakatan Rakyat?

31 Replies to “Quo Vadis, Pakatan Rakyat?”

  1. so confounding at times, selangorians voted for the Pakatan alliance,not for Khalid ,voted for the political parties.MB could have been anyone as long as nominated from the alliance.
    So, the MB appointment was done on nomination and consensus by all political parties..If they can appoint or (technically speaking) hire ,why cant they fire? Nobody voted for Khalid as MB.since that is not how it works.like in the US, vote directly for the candidate.
    .Why can’t the process in appointing MB be reversed? Voters voted for the parties who in turn nominates the MB name.
    Now the MB has no party,and not even registered as independent. Does he even qualify? Since he seems to be in limbo.neither here nor there?
    If so,any Tom, Dick,Harry can be MB.What for, political party? If not necessary as criteria to be MB.

    1. bryanbb,

      “…If they can appoint or (technically speaking) hire ,why cant they fire?…”

      No, we hired nobody as MB.

      The MB is “hired” by the Sultan of Selangor and, presumably, the Sultan of Selangor is the ONLY person who can “fire”.

      I say, “presumably” because I don’t know the Selangor Constitution that well.

      Apparently, there is some doubt that the Sultan can “fire” the MB.

  2. Mr Lim,

    “…Khalid’s ridiculous claim that the Selangor government is not a Pakatan government is endorsed by the four PAS Excos …”

    Of cos the PAS Excos will endorse Khalid’s view.

    Selangor is now in PAS’s hands and there is no need for PAS to share power with anybody – not with DAP, not with PKR and not with UMNO.

    “…The brutal truth is that Khalid is hanging on as Selangor Mentri Besar solely on the strength of the Umno/BN pledge …”

    Whilst I am sure that PAS is well aware of that fact, I have no doubt PAS is quite happy to accept the UMNO support.

    PAS’s excuse will probably be that the UMNO support is unsolicited so it is all kosher, so to speak :)

    Anyway, PAS does not really care what anybody says or thinks – the only thing which matters to PAS is that Selangor is now a PAS state – that’s 2 states out of 13 :)

    I like to think of it as being akin to the recently declared Islamic Caliphate which was declared by ISIL.

    ISIL does not care how it is achieved or who pays the price – there is now, at long last, a Caliphate.

    So it has been ordained, so it shall be.

    We are just expected to suck it up.

  3. Termination letters given out to sack five of the six state executive councilors from Pakatan except one – PKR’s Rodziah Ismail. Presumably abroad but for what reason nobody knows? Is she the deciding factor to the majority support Khalid has told the Sultan? Will PKR be caught sleeping like the DAP was in Perak?

  4. Out of the 1.7 million Selangor voters in GE13, 1.1 million voted for Pakatan Rakyat. Surely, Khalid cannot claim to have the majority support now that he no longer represent the coalition which comprises the PKR, DAP and PAS. Does Khalid thinks that with PKR alone on the strength of its 14 ADUNs enough to make him the MB in the first place?

    Do what you have to do, Khalid. You have all the power behind you now. Just remember revenge is sweet and a dish best served cold. Be prepared to face the wrath of the Selangorians – 1.1 million on last count. Call a snap election if you dare!

  5. If the MB can sack the 5 PR excos, why he himself cannot be sacked by his party and therefore his position? Is this position equivalent to a dictatorship?

    If the hrh does not wish to give audience to Wan azizah citing this is internal party issue, then the sacking of the MB and from his position is also internal party issue. So shouldn’t the decision be accepted as well?

    Just my two cents opinion.

  6. After 6 years representing Pakatan, you guys gang up to remove him illegally, and on spurious grounds a court would find laughable. Just tell Anwar to stop pushing his wife as MB. Come to your senses and let Khalid finish his work till his term ends. He will reinstate the exco. Life can go back to normal as long as people stop coveting the MB post and use unsubstantiated allegations to try to bring an incumbent down.

  7. If I were Khalid, I can’t quit now. Quitting now is an open admission that the official allegations made by PKR are true. I also have a duty to safeguard the RM 4 billion of funds in the kitty. You want me to vacate my post for a housewife from Penang who in reality is taking orders from her soon-to-be-jailed husband ?

    If circumstances dictate that I should leave e.g. through a no confidence vote in the Dewan, then I will call for fresh elections for the rakyat to decide. Yet Pakatan don’t think that’s a good idea for fear of losing. So what now ? You want me to quit to prove my guilt through the Pakatan kangaroo court ?

  8. Noble House: PKR says they are willing to take the risk of losing Selangor through fresh elections. DAP and PAS don’t share the same view. Once you lose Selangor, you can’t get it back. UMNO will have learnt how to protect its prized asset.

    So the issue is this: you want Khalid to quit but without calling for fresh elections. That’s Khalid’s trump card. He will call for elections and PKR will be wiped out. Didn’t Kit see this coming ?

  9. PAS = Hudud
    Last week PAS+PKR+DAP = Hudud
    PAS + UMNO/BN = Hudud
    Time to fortify the house.
    Forget PAS. Let them enjoy their stint with Khalid UMNO/BN. Prepare well for fresh election. Let the people decide.

  10. Even Khalid has not done anything wrong, he has run foul of the rule. In any corporation or organization, there is something called hierarchy. Lower-ranking officers are supposed to obey orders given to them by their superior. How can Khalid refuse to obey orders from the top and go his own way? If he insists to go his own way, the only option for him is to quit the MB post and leave the party.

  11. That’s the type of naive comment I have seen elsewhere. The minute Khalid took the oath of office, he ends up reporting to the rakyat, the Dewan and to hrh. His position is no longer dependent on PKR as long as he has the confidence of his new bosses. Want to find out ? Want to play poker ? Looks like PKR is the only party willing to play poker, but what chips do they have ? Is DAP prepared to lose Selangor ? I don’t think so.

  12. Kit:

    Go talk to Anwar and Tok Guru. This has gone on long enough. Reinstate Khalid and withdraw the spurious allegations with an apology. Khalid in turn will reinstate the exco. Let them finish their term. My friendly advice to all before Pakatan lose Selangor for good.

  13. Of all the comments made and all the politicking talk, its Nur Jazlan from UMNO that made the best point about this.

    If Najib nows calls for GE, UMNO/BN would win big and likely destroy any hope of Pakatan for decades. If I were Najib, I would do it – many times more cheaper than a single year of BR1M to do this..

    Khalid, Anwar, Azmin – all have to go..They are freaking idiots who also not qualified to run this country..

  14. Najib is not a risk taker to take the risk of a new GE. He does not have to. All he does is wait for Pakatan to implode, as it will after this debacle in Selangor, and then reclaim Selangor in a state-wide election. Pakatan is finished because someone decided that it is time to grab the MB’s post and let’s fire the incumbent because he is making certain people nervous.

  15. This will teach Pakatan Rakyat leaders to exercise better wisdoms. Never put anybody in high office if he/she has the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. This is a clear cut case where the enemies had exploited the situation of the massive debts of TSKI and now the arrow is pointing at them instead of the enemies.
    Sometimes I am baffled as to why leaders who has been in politics for 30-50 years are unable to exercise such wisdoms.
    Sorry for my comment as I am really disappointed for the fiasco taking place now and UMNO rubbing their hands with glee.

  16. I think PAS is buying time (horse-trading with UMNO on nationwide unity govt) by postponing their meeting to this Sunday.

    Their Sunday meeting agenda will focus on the unity govt proposal. If it is no go, then Khalid is automatically toast. This is the reason why the PAS exco are staying put in case there is a bersanding between PAS and UMNO.

    Now, PAS is finished and toxic (caught the ebola disease) to Pakatan as voters do not trust them anymore.

    Whatever the outcome, suggest that DAP/PKR move on and divorce the unfaithful and diseased PAS. I think this is what most voters want.

  17. “His position is no longer dependent on PKR as long as he has the confidence of his new bosses.” – Godfather


    Khalid was not an independent candidate. He contested the last election under the PKR flag. In some way, he is still accountable to PKR for his actions.

  18. #1 by undertaker888 on Thursday, 14 August 2014 – 5:55 pm
    ///After 6 years representing Pakatan, you guys gang up to remove him illegally, and on spurious grounds a court would find laughable. /// godfather

    I am talking about fairness. I don’t care a hoot who the MB is as long as they can do the job without prejudice.

  19. Now Perkosa issuing commands 2 MB

    What a farcical comedy – unlikely but happening right in front of our eyes

    They r enjoying salaries n perks fr rakyat’s $$ while f*cking around over their ego, SH!T

  20. This whole episode ( not that, is being the first ) laid bear the MAIN CONTAGIOUS ISSUES amongst PR component parties :
    – PAS, cannot be reliable ( supportive )a party in PR.
    Here, IS VERY CLEAR THE MB matter IS PKR’s call, to decide and PAS just, with ‘bad’ intention make matter WORSE , acting unilaterally ( back stabbing ) the coalition – worst, by the top two leaders in PAS.
    It seems, HUDUD will be put forth, same manner, the day PAS ‘feels’ the time is right, hence, PAS just bidding time.
    Here, is not about HUDUD, and issue per se, but ALL about UPHOLDING THE CONSTITUTION, as written – except, ” some ” are finding ways to ” bend, dilute,,, to serve one’s aim / agenda “.
    Too bad, is what BN hopes for; but is better to rid of this ‘curse’ now ( on divisive course ) than later.

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