With UMNO declaration of support of 12 BN Selangor Assembly representatives for Khalid, urgent and imperative for immediate clarity of stand of all 43 Selangor PR Assembly reps

With the declaration by the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin that the 12 Barisan Nasional Selangor Assembly representatives will give its unconditional support to Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim to continue as the Selangor Mentri Besar, it is urgent and imperative for immediate clarity of stand of all 43 Pakatan Rakyat Selangor Assembly representatives from PKR, DAP and PAS on the issue.

Time is of the essence following the rapid pace of developments of the political situation in Selangor and the country, and all processes of political decision-making have no choice but to be accelerated if Pakatan Rakyat is not to be seen as incapable of responding to fast and high-speed political changes.

10 Replies to “With UMNO declaration of support of 12 BN Selangor Assembly representatives for Khalid, urgent and imperative for immediate clarity of stand of all 43 Selangor PR Assembly reps”

  1. A clear indication that DAP is not ready to play poker with Khalid is your admin’s decision to withhold most of my postings critical of Pakatan. Such is democracy at work within Pakatan.

  2. Has the PR pact made a postmortem of its failed attempt of capturing Putrajaya in GE 13TH.Is it not the failure of its leadership the main obstacle to capturing Putrajaya.If the PR pact cannot kick out Umno/BN when they are on their knees,how are they going to do it when Umno/BN are on their feet?

  3. Let’s take the worst case scenario here:

    PR: 15(DAP) + 13(PKR) = 28
    12(UMNO) + 15(PAS) + 1(KI) = 28

    Close, but not good enough to make a majority. How can Khalid claimed to have the majority supports? UMNO cannot get its hands on Selangor unless there are some ‘frogs’ waiting to mate!

    It is crisis such as this that brings back my recollection of a well-respected man and his impeccable leadership, honesty, and his fearless struggle to defend the people’s mandate and the government that was stolen from him during the prolonged political crisis in Perak. His unwavering commitment to the coalition’s stand on good governance, reformist and common policy framework has always been one that was above self and party interests. What remains imprinted in the memory of Perakians today is none other than Nizar Jamaludin of PAS! Yes, YB Nizar, as a Perakan myself, you have my utmost respect.

    I remember YB Khalid Samad once said: “Many of these young turks in PAS failed to understand what their elders have been through struggling to take the party from the backwaters to national politics.”

    So what’s your stand now, PAS?

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