Dutch experts still unable to get to MH17 crash site

The Malay Mail Online
JULY 31, 2014

KIEV, July 30 — Dutch police yesterday said it was unlikely they would be able to access the site of the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 crash in east Ukraine because of on-going combat.

The head of the Dutch recovery mission in Ukraine, Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg, also said 68 Malaysian experts and police officers were expected in Kiev today to join the group.

The Malaysians will then travel to Kharkiv in east Ukraine, closer to the crash site.

“Unfortunately, we don’t expect the security situation to improve enough over the next few days,” Aalbersberg told reporters in Kiev.

“This makes it less likely that we will reach the crash site in the immediate future. There is still too much fighting in the area,” he said.

Aalbersberg said Dutch police had to scrap plans to visit the site yesterday with Australian police and monitors from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

“Tomorrow we will try again from Donetsk,” the rebel bastion in east Ukraine where the international mission is stationed, he said.

The plane with 298 people on board came down on July 17 in an area of east Ukraine where pro-Russian separatists are battling government forces.

The Netherlands, which is leading the crash probe and body identification, lost 193 citizens on the flight. — AFP

2 Replies to “Dutch experts still unable to get to MH17 crash site”

  1. “…Malaysian experts and police officers were expected in Kiev today…”

    Everything is alright now.

    The Malaysians have arrived.

    Najib Razak announced a couple of weeks ago that everything has been cleared at the top-level with the separatist leadership and Russia.

    I am sure that the separatists and the Russians find the RM3 notes that they were paid, very bankable. :)

  2. You should read Matthais Chang conspiracy theory about the IMF Christine Largarde’s numerology and the number 7. He stretched his conspiracy too far when he came up with the 295 victims thus: 2+9+5 = 16 = 1+6 = 7. Unfortunately for Matthais, his theory was based on early reports of the shooting down with 295 victims which did not include 3 children. Now that the number of victims is 298, his conspiracy theory is shot to bits.

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