Lim Kit Siang

Dyana wins our hearts

– Amar Singh & Lim Swee Im
The Malaysian Insider
June 01, 2014

Dear Dyana Sofya,

You may have lost this small election but you have won the hearts of many, many Malaysians. Despite the ugly ways and attempts to shame or demonise you, we are pleased you did not sink down to the level of those who were shameless in their behaviour.

We know you are ethnically Malay, but throughout this campaign it was clear you are first a Malaysian and stand for all Malaysians. So we seldom think or see you as a Malay, but more as our fellow sister and Malaysian.

It is vital that all of us move away from any form of ethnic politics, ethnic decision-making, ethnic criteria in selection, etc., as this just divides us further. So we are delighted with your stand of inclusiveness.

We want to assure you that you did not lose but won many heart.

The amount of pressure, threats, inducements, promises, etc., that were used is unbelievable. Such behaviour is unethical in any developed and ethical nation.

Do not lose heart.

We are all fighting for the true One Malaysia, where our ethnic differences are celebrated and appreciated, where our religious difference are respected and protected, where we no longer have to classify ourselves by our ethnicity but by our identity as Malaysians.

Like you, we long for the day when Malaysians from all walks of life will fight for their fellow man, regardless of their skin colour, beliefs or position. Thank you for doing so. – June 1, 2014.

* Datuk Dr Amar-Singh HSS and Datin Dr Lim Swee Im read The Malaysian Insider.