Five reasons Malaysians should be grateful to Umno

MAY 21, 2014

It is that silly season again, when Umno gets in a tizzy over more evidence that its grand-sounding statement that Umno is Malay and Malay is Umno is just that, a statement and nothing more.

That umbilical cord between Umno and the Malays was cut a long time ago. And yet they still pretend to be the vanguard of the Malays.

Now, they are feigning indignation that Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud is contesting the Teluk Intan by-election on a DAP ticket. She has been called an ingrate and a traitor. The sheer hypocrisy of the name-callers who tell Malaysians that we should be forever grateful to them.

In keeping with the Umno spirit, the Malaysian Insider offers five reasons we must “tabik” Umno politicians. Continue reading “Five reasons Malaysians should be grateful to Umno”

Zaid: ‘Gutter politics’ in Teluk Intan puts Malaysia in Indonesia’s shade

The Malay Mail Online
MAY 21, 2014

KUALA LUMPUR, May 21 — Umno’s personal attacks against DAP candidate Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud despite the party’s claims of upholding Islam exposes the violent political culture dominating Malaysia, said Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.

Comparing the tone in Teluk Intan with Indonesia’s recent presidential election, the former Cabinet minister noted that campaigning in the neighbouring country remained civil despite the much higher stakes.

In the minor Malaysian by-election, however, Zaid pointed out that Dyana Sofya has come in for all manner of personal attacks from rival Umno, who have labelled her a traitor to the party, a sell-out to her people, and a puppet of the DAP, among others.

“To put it simply, Indonesia has progressed in many ways in their quest to build a nation with values all Indonesians share as a people — but in Malaysia, the Malays seem to be going backwards.

“Perhaps the great success of the New Economic Policy (NEP) has somehow made Malays ‘different’,” Zaid wrote on his blog yesterday. Continue reading “Zaid: ‘Gutter politics’ in Teluk Intan puts Malaysia in Indonesia’s shade”

Alumni UiTM mudah lupa

By Ahmad Tempe
MAY 21, 2014 | TMI

Henry A Kissinger pernah menyebut “university politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are too small”. Ini membawa erti yang politik di universiti itu ganas kerana pertaruhannya kecil.

Tidak perlu cari mat kaki demo atau “pemberontak” seperti Khalid Ismath jika mahu mentafsirkan “keganasan” politik di Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM). Cukup sekadar kita temuramah mat-mat kaki “dating” atau mat “dota” dan mereka akan menjawab: “Ala, UiTM ni kita kena sokong kerajaan (baca:Umno/BN), kalau tidak susah kita nanti.”

Hari ini, Persatuan Alumni UiTM Malaysia secara tiba-tiba lantang mengingatkan calon DAP Teluk Intan, Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud supaya berhenti menggunakan nama UiTM dalam tujuan kempen kerana UiTM sepatutnya “bebas”. Tulisan ini bukanlah bertujuan untuk membela atau mengangkat si Dyana.

Saya juga bukanlah hendak menjadi batu api atau bertelagah dengan geng-geng alumni ini. Tetapi, hendak bebas itu bebas yang bagaimana?

Semua orang tahu UiTM mempunyai “pusat latihan tidak rasmi Umno”. Siapa tidak tahu proses untuk menjadi calon Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) UiTM pun ketat? Mesti mesra kerajaan? Hendak berahsia bagaimana lagi?

Sebelum ini pun UiTM pernah menjadi medan kempen bagi Umno/BN apabila Datuk Seri Najib Razak hadir untuk berucap serta menabur janji kepada mahasiswa UiTM di samping menjamu makanan enak-enak (baca: KFC). Continue reading “Alumni UiTM mudah lupa”

Marina: Dyana is three-up on most politicians

May 21, 2014

Social activist Marina Mahathir has commended Teluk Intan DAP by-election candidate Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud ,saying she is a smart girl who can think.

“She can articulate. She can write. That’s three up over most politicians already,” she said in a Facebook posting.

Marina was commenting on Dyana’s response in an article to a comment made by Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Razali Ibrahim, who had taken the Teluk Intan by-election DAP candidate’s to task over criticism on her alma mater and asking her why she did not criticise Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Commenting further on Facebook in reply to her followers, Marina said very few top politicians write their own speeches let alone articles.

“In any case, why are people against her because she is young?” she asked. Continue reading “Marina: Dyana is three-up on most politicians”

Siapa mengkhianati siapa?

– Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
MAY 20, 2014

Tidak syak lagi Umno bankrap modal untuk bahan kempen di Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Teluk Intan.

Malam tadi, ada desas-desus Umno atau penyokong mereka akan sebar video ibu calon bercium dengan lelaki. Inikah yang terbaik dapat Umno lakukan?

Tapi kepala biul Umno, mereka akan lakukan apa sahaja untuk menang.

Tidak ada yang mustahil dengan parti yang lebih rela berkawan dengan syaitan daripada malaikat.

Yang bertanding ialah anak, yang jadi mangsa ialah emaknya.

Ini betul-betul macam perlakuan golongan feudal zaman dahulu, jika anak dituduh bersalah, habis satu keluarga dimusnahkan.

Perbuatan yang Umno lakukan sama seperti yang dilakukan oleh golongan feudal zaman dahulu, disebabkan fakta bahawa Umno itu sebetulnya, sebuah parti politik feudal. Continue reading “Siapa mengkhianati siapa?”