Would Liow and MCA leaders take a stand and list instances of UMNO violation of BN policy and consensus on hudud at the BN Supreme Council meeting tomorrow?

MCA should end its politics of perfidy and hypocrisy sending out different messages on hudud, one in the Chinese media and another for the non-Chinese media, to mislead the Malaysian Chinese and the UMNO leaders.
Today’s media gives two such examples.

First, the big splash in the Chinese media today of the statement by the MCA Secretary-General Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan declaring the MCA’s opposition to the joint technical committee on hudud comprising the Barisan Nasional Federal Government and the PAS Kelantan State Government which was proposed by the Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on 28th April 2014.

But this news was completely blacked out in the MCA newspaper, the Star and the non-Chinese media.

Second, the news report in the Chinese media quoting the Wanita MCA Chairman, Datuk Heng Seai Kie demanding that the Barisan Nasional Whip Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin take stern disciplinary action against two UMNO Ministers, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom and the Minister for International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Mustapha Mohammad for breaching Barisan Nasional policy, consensus and discipline in supporting PAS implementation of hudud.

Again this announcement was given big play in the Chinese media but blacked out in the MCA newspaper, the Star as well as the non-Chinese media.

This is a most irresponsible, unprincipled, opportunistic and cowardly politicking, saying one thing for the consumption of the Chinese in Malaysia while giving a totally opposite impression to UMNO leaders and members.

While calling for stern disciplinary action to be taken against the two UMNO Ministers for violating Barisan Nasional policy and consensus in supporting PAS on hudud implementation in Kelantan, why are the MCA leaders from the MCA President Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai onwards, continuing to keep silent about two other major violations of Barisan Nasional policies and consensus, viz:

Firstly, Muhyiddin’s unilateral and arbitrary announcement of a hudud joint technical committee comprising the Federal-Kelantan State Governments when this was a clearly violation of Barisan Nasional consensus and policy; and

Secondly, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s announcement on April 24 that the Barisan Nasional Federal Government had never rejected hudud – which not only violated BN policy and consensus but was also contrary to the secular Merdeka Constitution of 1957 and Malaysian Constitution of 1963 and against the nation-building principles laid down by the founding leaders of Alliance/Barisan Nasional, like the first three Prime Ministers Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein Onn as well as Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Tun Tan Siew Sin and Tun V.T. Sambanthan.

Two issues demand action by the MCA leadership:

Firstly, whether MCA could end its politics of perfidy and hypocrisy sending out different messages on hudud, one in the Chinese media and another for the non-Chinese media, to mislead the Malaysian Chinese and the UMNO leaders.

Secondly, whether Liow and the MCA leaders will be consistent and raise at the Barisan Nasional Supreme Council meeting tomorrow (as revealed by Ka Chuan) the four instances of violation of Barisan Nasional consensus and policy on hudud – two highlighted by Ong and Heng and two which no MCA leaders have dared to highlight – and make it clear to Najib that the MCA leaders cannot accept the offer of three Ministers and five deputy ministers to return to BN Cabinet and Government unless there is rectification of the four violations of BN policy and consensus, in particular over Najib’s statement and the formation of the BN Federal Government-PAS Kelantan State Government joint committee on hudud.

9 Replies to “Would Liow and MCA leaders take a stand and list instances of UMNO violation of BN policy and consensus on hudud at the BN Supreme Council meeting tomorrow?”

  1. Ai yo yoh, so lucky didn’t follow LKS’s advice 2 speak out loudly 2 najis against ex-MB, tot Ah Liow chye
    Now all 3 back 2 d EMBRACE of Perkosa-UmnoB, abang adik again, k155 here k155 there like long lost abang adik, can start 2 buy really expensive handbags n diamond rings again
    Dis LKS really wanted 2 set me up 2 cari mati 1, tot Ah Liow chye, lucky me did not fall in2 his trap

  2. For the attention of Penang CM LGE.

    Penang has recently changed to using parking coupon. The rate is 40 sen per coupon good for half an hour. I have just bought a book of parking coupon, at 6 Ringgit. On counting, I was surprised to find that there are only 10 sheets of parking coupon. Thus we pay 60 sen for parking whereas the Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang gets 40 sen. That 20 sen, or 50 per cent goes to middleman!

    The coupon is printed by Perkhidmatan Alam Indah Sdn Bhd. On the cover of the book of coupons, it has the note ” Book Price/Harga Buku : RM 6.00″. There is no indication of the number of coupons in the book. I wonder whether the Penang State government has allowed the printer the 50% mark-up for printing parking coupon.

    In Selangor, on the cover of the book of parking coupons, a note reads ” RM 6.40 ( Termasuk 6% Cukai Perkhidmatan, 15 keeping kupon.) . So in Selangor, motorists pay 40 sen more for 15 coupons of 40 sen each whereas in Penang, motorists pay RM 2.00 more for 10 coupons of 40 sen each.

    The significant difference is what has been printed on the cover of the Books. In Penang, the Book of coupons can contain any number of coupons because it is not specified. it is now ten, and it might have been 14. In Selangor, we know that we get 15 pieces of coupons, because it is specified.

    What has the Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang to say on the matter?

  3. The South China Sea is a hot-bed of contention. Black gold is the cause. If not for the U.S.A. (Yankee Don’t Go Home), China would have grabbed the islands (the Spratly’s included). This is no time for Malaysian to be squablling over trivialities.
    And let us pay attention to Obama as to the matter of equality for the citizens of Malaysia. Another danger to Malaysians comes from a more insidious source – relgious extremism, which can be defeated only by internal strength and resilience.
    I call for Semangat-1957.

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