Lim Kit Siang

Tweets on PAS forum on 13th May, 1969

1.Spoke at interesting forum organised by PAS Shah Alam last night entitled: “13 Mei: Rekonstruksi Sejarah n Pembinaan Malaysia Pasca Rasisme”

2. Other speakers MP Mujahid Yusuf whose father Yusof Rawa defeated Mahathir in 1969, Subky Latif and Pemuda PAS leader Mohd Nasaie Ismail

3. Subky was veteran journalist I had known since 60s when he was with Utusan which had not degenerated to unethical disgrace to journalism today.

4. ’13 Mei ‘a blot in Malaysian history. It should not have happened, should not have been allowed to happen and all Msians must ensure there is no repeat.

5. 45 years after national nightmare in 1969, there is no authoritative account of what and how it happened – no Truth and Reconciliation efforts.

6. In my first speech in Parliament in Feb 1971 I called for independent inquiry into May 13 riots to prevent recurrence. Why no inquiry in 45 yrs?

7. Theories abound about causes of May 13. Was it a power-grab to topple Tunku as PM? Have those in power things to hide they cannot afford an enquiry?

8. Yet four decades later there were despicable attempts by Umno hacks to rewrite May 13 in suddenly “discovering” I was in KL and caused the riots.

9. I was accused of urinating at the flagpole of Selangor MB Harun Idris provoking the riots – a great lie as I was never in KL those 513 days.

10. I was in Melaka on 11/12 May and in Sabah on May 13. Police have all this info in their file on me. Yet Umno hacks and cybertroopers concoct lies!

11. Mahathir should know all this. He was PM for 22 years and Home Minister for 14 years. Not surprised if he had ordered full search to pin something on me.

12. Mahathir vindictive and vengeful. In 1987 Ops Lalang mass ISA detentions Guan Eng and I were arrested on first day of crackdown and last to be released.

13. Have we learned lessons of 513? Appears not. In recent weeks evil stalk the land from Perkasa or ISMA with poison of hate speech unchecked!

14. Subky reminisced about DAP/Gerakan LKS/NaguibAlatas debate at MARA Auditorium in KL in 1968. He said he was off-duty but specially worked.

15. Debate: what constitutes Malaysian literature. Naguib/Gerakan – must be written in Malay/Indonesian. DAP – Malaysian-centric regardless of language.