Lim Kit Siang

DAP Muslim MP waves off PAS’ hudud move

Apr 26, 2014

Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz, one of only two DAP Muslim MPs, says he is obligated to support hudud law because of his religion but will still not back PAS’ private member’s bill on the matter.

The Raub MP said regardless of personal views, the reality is the country’s secular constitution and if PAS wants to implement hudud law it must first push for a new Islamic constitution.

Until then, Ariff Sabri said PAS should not force other Muslims to back it’s hudud plan by questioning their faith.

“PAS must do the right thing first – secure parliament and change the constitution

“Unless they do this, they can’t push through a bill hoping to capitalise on some sort of religious blackmail.

“I don’t support your bill therefore I am not a good Muslim or even an infidel? I don’t agree with you does not mean I lack faith ,” he said in a blog posting today under his pen name Sakmongkol.

Ariff Sabri said he would not wear his opposition like a “badge of honour” but neither would he be “spineless” like Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s apparently ambiguous stance.

Najib had yesterday declared Umno was “not opposed” to hudud law but said there were several obstacles that needed to be scrutinised.

‘Don’t engage in religious blackmail’

“I hope PAS isn’t going to lower its esteem of other Muslim MPs who will not support PAS even though we are from the same political grouping. There are also Muslim MPs in PKR.

“As PAS does not have majority control of parliament, it should not propose this bill,” said Ariff Sabri.

He added that if PAS is adamant, then it should consider DAP national organising secretary Anthony Loke’s suggestion that PAS leave Pakatan Rakyat.

Ariff Sabri stressed his stance on hudud law was not “entirely” because of DAP’s official stand.

“I want to make it clear to DAP that personally as a Muslim I am obligated to support hudud by trying to be as good a Muslim as I can be.

“As a party member, I stand by what the party stands for. I believe DAP accepts my personal stand,” he said.