Khalid Abu Bakar should step down as IGP if he is not prepared to uphold the law in the Seremban child abduction case and enforce High Court order giving custody to the mother

Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar should step down as Inspector-General of Police if he is not prepared to uphold the law in the Seremban child abduction case and enforce the High Court order giving custody to the mother.

The failure and refusal of the Inspector-General of Police to uphold the law and to ignore the Seremban child abduction case is the height of irresponsibility for the top policeman in the country, despite the fact that a police report has been lodged by the mother S Deepa that her son was snatched by her estranged Muslim convert husband although she had won a custody through the civil court.

It is reported that her husband Izwan Abdullah has also obtained a similar order from the Syariah Court.

I agree with the former de facto law minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz that the IGP was mistaken in thinking syariah law allowed a Muslim convert to abduct his child after losing custody to the mother and that the father was clearly wrong to have taken his son without his estranged wife’s permission as the High Court has given her custody of their two children.

On Monday, the Seremban High Court granted S. Deepa full custody of her two children ― a nine-year-old daughter and a six-year-old son ― as her marriage to N. Viran in 2004 was a civil union and did not come under Shariah law.
Justice Datuk Zabariah Mohd Yusof also permitted her to divorce Viran who converted to Islam in 2012, and had taken the Muslim name of Izwan Abdullah.

The IGP should remember his sworn oath to uphold the law and the Constitution and should take immediate action to ensure that the “abducted” son is immediately returned to her mother who has lawful custody under following their civil union.

(Media Conference Statement2 in Batu Pahat on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at 11.30 am)


6 Replies to “Khalid Abu Bakar should step down as IGP if he is not prepared to uphold the law in the Seremban child abduction case and enforce High Court order giving custody to the mother”

  1. Don’t expect the police chief of race, religion and umno baru to take any action that has no benefit to them. They are still stuck in dark ages. They are feudal and cannot see beyond the rule of law.

  2. The police chief shows HE IS UNQUALIFIED. NO LEGAL SYSTEM ALLOWS TAKING THE LAW IN ONE’S OWN HAND – civil or syariah. There is no question of issue of jurisdiction because both jurisdication DO NOT allow the taking of custody without formal due process.

    There may be a conflict of ruling BUT its NOT up to the convert to decide to take law in his own hand – THAT IS SIMPLY ENTITLEMENT – OVER ENTITLEMENT which is the root of the problem with the person in the first place.

  3. “…The failure and refusal of the Inspector-General of Police to uphold the law …..”

    One has to question his integrity in upholding the law ever since when, as Selangor CPO, he had publicly made that wild unproven allegation that 14 year old Amirul had a parang in the boot of his car when the poor boy was shot dead by the police.

  4. Everything about abduction and forced conversion these days can be traced to the Constitutional Amendment that took away the subordinate position of the Syariah Courts vis-a-vis the Civil Courts. The Constitutional Amendment allowed certain people to blur important distinctions so as to serve the policy of Islamicisation of the country.
    Even so, kidnapping (in the face of custody orders of the High Court), and forced conversions, are definitely transgressions against the Civil (as opposed to Syariah) Law. The injured party should apply to the civil court for an order to compel the IGP to act.
    Rights which are not enforced become non-existent, by default. The IGP must be challenged immediately. The question must be put to him.

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