Johor is now the front-line state in the 14GE as PR victory in both Putrajaya and Nusajaya are now within reach for the first time in nation’s history

I congratulate PAS Johor for its successful three-day 60th Anniversary Carnival concluding with the ceramah tonight.

For 90 per cent of its 60-year history in the state, PAS Johor faced an uphill battle in the state as Johor had all along been the fixed deposit state and virtually unshakeable fortress of UMNO and Barisan Nasional.

But a political sea change took place in the last 10 per cent of the 60-year history of PAS Johor, which succeeded in achieving a political breakthrough in the 2008 General Elections winning two State Assembly seats which increased to four State Assembly seats in the 2013 general elections last May.

Before 2008, if anybody should ask whether it is possible for the Oposition to win power in the Johor State Government, the answer would be an unanimous and categorical “No”!

But after the 2013 General Elections, if anybody should ask whether it is possible for Pakatan Rakyat to win the Johor State Government in Nusajaya, the answer would be a powerful “Yes” for the majority of thinking people in the State. Continue reading “Johor is now the front-line state in the 14GE as PR victory in both Putrajaya and Nusajaya are now within reach for the first time in nation’s history”

UMNO/BN cyber war unit has spawned the world’s craziest cybertroopers and NGOs who continue to make fictitious and nonsensical claims …

The UMNO/BN cyber war unit has spawned the world’s craziest cybertroopers and NGOs who continue to make fictitious and nonsensical claims like the DAP aiming to recruit 10 million Red Bean Army cybertroopers by 14GE, paying them each Rm3,000 a month or a monthly budget of RM30 billion.

For one whole year, this will be an unthinkable budget of RM360 billion just to feed 10 million so-called “Red Bean Army” cybertroopers!

Only the craziest of the crazies will believe such nonsense, yet this could be seriously stated in a press conference last Tuesday by various UMNO/BN NGO cybertroopers led by Abdul Rani Kulup Abdullah, President of Martabat Jalinan Muhibbah Malaysia (MJMM) and other NGOs like Ikatan Rakyat Insan Muslims Malaysia and Pertubuhan Minda dan Sosial Prihatin (PMSP), claiming that DAP is now paying RM3,000 each to 800 cybertroopers in the so-called Red Bean Army (RBA), and that DAP has targeted recruiting 10 million cybertroopers in time for the 14th General Elections. Continue reading “UMNO/BN cyber war unit has spawned the world’s craziest cybertroopers and NGOs who continue to make fictitious and nonsensical claims …”

Did Mahathir countermand Musa’s directive to the police to avoid violence resulting in the Memali Massacre of Nov. 19, 1985?

The clarification by the former Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Tun Musa Hitam that the then Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, contrary to what was believed by Malaysians in the past 19 years, was in fact in Kuala Lumpur when the Memali Incident took place on Nov. 19, 1985, has reinforced the case for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Memali Massacre.

The RCI is necessary so as to unearth the truth about the Memali Massacre to provide a 30-year closure to the families and loved ones of the 18 people – Ibrahim Libya, 13 villagers and four policemen – who were killed as up to now, they have been haunted by the spectre of not knowing the truth and in particular, who were responsible for the death of the 18 people in the Memali Massacres of Nov. 19, 1985.

Malaysians are entitled to know the truth of one of the biggest “blots” in the nation’s history – in particular who counter-manded the directive given by Musa as the Home Minister to the Police to avoid violence and bloodshed in the arrest of Ibrahim Libya. Continue reading “Did Mahathir countermand Musa’s directive to the police to avoid violence resulting in the Memali Massacre of Nov. 19, 1985?”

Hishammuddin should explain whether he and the Cabinet had abandoned the proposal of a Parliamentary Select Committee on MH370 and if so, why?

Yesterday, the Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein announced an investigation team as well as three ministerial committees on the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, which enters into the 30th day of its disappearance on March 8, viz:

1. As per ICAO standards, an independent “investigator-in-charge” to lead an investigation team comprising three groups:

*an airworthiness group, which will look into maintenance records, structure and system of the airline;

*an operational group, which will examine flight recorders operations and meteorological aspects of the investigation;

*a medical and human factor group, which will look into psychological and pathological aspects as well as survival factors of those on board the plane.

2. Three ministerial committees, namely a next-of-kin committee, headed by Hamzah Zainuddin, the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister; a technical committee led by Abdul Aziz Kaprawi, the Deputy Transport Minister and a deployment of assets committee, helmed by Deputy Defence Minister Abdul Rahim Bakri.

The investigating team is led by the Malaysian Government, but would include individuals from other accredited countries, including Australia, China, the United States, the United Kingdom and France and other countries who are in a position to help.

The first question to crop up is whether Hishammuddin and the Cabinet have abandoned the proposal of a Parliamentary Select Committee on MH370 and if so, why? Continue reading “Hishammuddin should explain whether he and the Cabinet had abandoned the proposal of a Parliamentary Select Committee on MH370 and if so, why?”

Malaysia flight MH370 shadows safety meeting

Kate Mayberry
05 Apr 2014

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – When the aviation industry’s safety experts sat down in Kuala Lumpur for their annual meeting this week, there was one issue that was uppermost in their minds: the fate of missing flight MH370.

“I don’t think I could start my remarks in any other way than by acknowledging the human tragedy of MH370,” Tony Tyler, the Director General of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), told delegates as he opened the meeting earlier this week. “The best way for all of us involved in aviation to honour the memory of those on board is to learn from what happened to improve safety in the future.”

Four weeks after the Boeing 777-200 and its 239 passengers and crew went missing on a seemingly routine flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, the chances of finding out what happened remain remote.

Not a single piece of wreckage has been found and with no physical evidence, let alone the data and cockpit voice recorders, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak’s announcement on March 24 that the plane had “ended,” its journey in the southern Indian Ocean, thousands of miles off course, has done little to ease the anguish of the families of those on board.

For days, a multinational search force including Australia, the US and China has taken to the seas and the skies off Australia’s western coast, the search parameters refined regularly according to satellite imagery and the electronic “pings” that the aircraft continued to make even after normal on-board communications ceased to function. But the scale of the task remains immense. Daily search areas cover tens of thousands of square kilometres of some of the world’s most remote ocean. Continue reading “Malaysia flight MH370 shadows safety meeting”

Memali families still seek answers, want closure after 30 years

by Looi Sue-Chern
The Malaysian Insider
April 05, 2014

Almost 30 years on, the survivors of the Memali incident that resulted in the deaths of 14 villagers and four policemen want to see justice for the lost lives and the truth revealed about why it took place and who was responsible.

Their hope has been rekindled by former deputy prime minister Tun Musa Hitam’s revelation last week that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, who was prime minister at the time, was in Kuala Lumpur during the incident and contrary to media reports, not in China.

Now they want to know Dr Mahathir’s role in that incident.

Following this revelation, opposition MPs are now calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into the incident. Continue reading “Memali families still seek answers, want closure after 30 years”