US lawmakers are kept informed and placed in the loop of US investigations into missing MH370 while Malaysian legislators are kept completely in the dark about the latest developments of the MH370 disaster

This is the 24th day in the fourth week of the multi-national sea and air search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 aircraft, with today’s search outcome by a total of 10 aircraft and 10 ships from Australia, Malaysia, US, China, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea as empty-handed and fruitless as the earlier 23 days.

Except there is now an element of desperation as the search is in a race against time, with only about two weeks left to find the aircraft’s pair of black boxes before they stop emitting locator pings.

The boxes, designed to ‘ping’ for at least 30 days, contain sounds recorded in the cockpit and data on the plane’s performance and flight path that could help answer why it diverted sharply west from its overnight flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on 8th March.

What has made the new search area 1,100 km north east of the old site in the southern Indian Ocean frustrating is that it contained a higher volume of ocean trash that may be mistaken for wreckage.
Continue reading “US lawmakers are kept informed and placed in the loop of US investigations into missing MH370 while Malaysian legislators are kept completely in the dark about the latest developments of the MH370 disaster”

An open letter to Dr M

By Ice Cream Seller | MARCH 30, 2014
The Malaysian Insider

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,

We refer to your recent testing of the waters to see if you would be welcomed back to take over from our missing prime minister.

Thank you, but most of us are once bitten twice shy and have no stomach for another spell of your tenure.

You say you want to curb the Internet because it contributes to social problems and a rise in the crime index.

Actually, our social problems stem from many sources. Dumping of newborn babies is not something picked up from the Net. Incest and rape were already prevalent. Khalwat and zina thrived well before the age of the Net. Drug abuse was there, too.

Thanks to the Internet, these are brought to our awareness and not censored by your pliant media. Not to mention the numerous scandals of your and subsequent administrations
Continue reading “An open letter to Dr M”

I fully agree with establishment of RCI into the May 13 riots in 1969

Yesterday, I called for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the 29-year-old Memali Incident, especially as the protagonists like former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir, former Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Musa Hitam, former Inspector-General of Police, Tun Hanif Omar, former Acting Inspector-General of Police,Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd Amin bin Osman, the then Information Minister Tan Sri Rais Yatim, Deputy Home Minister at the time, Tan Sri Radzi Sheikh Ahmad, the then UMNO Secretary-General Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, the OCPD Baling during the Memali incident, Tunku Muszaffar Shah and a follower of Ibrahim Libya who is now Senator Muhamad Yusof Husin from Baling, Kedah are still alive and can testify on the avoidable tragedy which cost the lives of 18 people, including four policemen.

I made this call following the revelation by Musa in a public discussion organised by the Kelantan State Government Kota Bahru four nights ago that Mahathir was in Malaysia during the bloody Memali incident on Nov. 19, 1985 when police forces killed Ibrahim Libya and his followers in a clash which resulted in 18 casualties, including four policemen.

Musa’s revelation has come as a shocker as close to three decades, it was reported and believed that Musa took charge of the operations as Home Minister in 1985 because Mahathir was in China for a visit.

Musa said in Kota Bahru: “In fact, two three days after that (Memali) he was still in KL.” Continue reading “I fully agree with establishment of RCI into the May 13 riots in 1969”

Malaysia must stop mediocrity rot

– Lok Wing Kong
The Malaysian Insider
March 30, 2014

Former de facto law minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim said that in 30 years, Malaysia will be on a par with Singapore.

He is totally wrong in that Malaysia will never be able to catch up with Singapore. Why? It is simple. Singapore practise hyper meritocracy while Malaysia practises mediocrity.

The two countries are moving forward at different speeds. They can only be getting further apart over time.

World Bank senior economist Dr Frederico Gil Sander recently said that the low quality of Malaysia’s education was more alarming than its household debts.

The writer cannot agree with him more as the policy of mediocrity is at play. Continue reading “Malaysia must stop mediocrity rot”