FBI says review of MH370 computer files almost done

The Malay Mail Online/Reuters
March 27, 2014

WASHINGTON DC, March 26 — FBI Director James Comey told a House subcommittee yesterday he expects his agency to finish an investigation of computer files related to the missing Malaysia Airlines flight in the next one or two days.

Comey, who was testifying before an appropriations subcommittee on the FBI’s 2015 budget request, said Malaysian authorities gave the FBI forensic computer materials and that the agency’s review of those materials is nearly complete.

“I have teams working really around the clock to exploit that,” Comey said. “I don’t want to say more about that in an open setting, but I expect it to be done fairly shortly. Within a day or two we will finish that work.”

Comey did not say what results he expected from the FBI’s analysis. He also denied allegations that Malaysian authorities had not been open to assistance offered by the FBI in the investigation of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which has been missing for over two weeks.

The search for the plane continued yesterday as new satellite images revealed more than 100 objects in the southern Indian Ocean that may be debris from the jetliner. It is thought to have crashed on March 8 with the loss of all 239 people aboard after flying thousands of miles off course. — Reuters


17 Replies to “FBI says review of MH370 computer files almost done”

  1. what is the international politics behind the investigation?

    i am sure china wanted to be on par with the western nations to gain its reputation in disaster management and investigation. china wanted badly to access the information, such as those from the satellites. however, western nations must be afraid of leaking too much information, which have been treated as secret from china, because of possible military threat.

    malaysia just cannot simply release anything to china as requested. the data owned by those western nations are their properties.

  2. upon a second thought, may be china was right.

    they knew the answer in case the plane was detected in their radar. it could now be in xinjiang.

    thus china strongly went against malaysia who made a wrong conclusion.

  3. HOW COME FBI investigating OUR computer files?
    Y? Y? Y?

    Butt-shaking Perkosa-UmnoB always so PROUD of our world cl@$s professors n researchers at our public universities n research agencies

    Y not ask d cendol prof of plagiarism fame fr d national defence univ 2 investigate OUR computer files?
    Is he still busy hallucinating abt being FONDLED erotically by security guards n drooling over HOT cleavages of stewardesses with see through uniform (“Tea, Coffee, or Me?”)?

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