Lim Kit Siang

MH370: Show me the evidence

– Robert Chaen
The Malaysian Insider
March 25, 2014

3 questions that were left unanswered in Prime Minister Najib Razak’s March 24th Press Conference:

1. How can a new radar analysis be conclusive beyond any reasonable doubt without any evidence of a piece of physical wreckage found?

Radar and satellite analysis has so far delivered no physical evidence.

2. What is the visual “proof” of this new analysis?

3. Why is this “new analysis” only available after 17 days after MH370 went missing?

Lessons in PR:

Is Prime Minister Najib Razak jumping the gun again?

PM Najib again did not take questions from the media during the March 24th Press Conference or the March 15th Press Conference. If you are to read a press statement and do not want to face the questions, it’s best to leave it to a press secretary or a minister to read the statement and let that person handle the press.

You can’t appear to show leadership and not take responsibility for your public statements. – March 25, 2014.

* Robert Chaen is a change expert and writes at