IGP Khalid and AG Gani must explain why they have abdicated from their responsibility to uphold the rule of law and preserve the peace in Malaysia in allowing Perkasa to break laws and commit breaches of peace outside Federal Court

It has been reported that the 500-odd people mobilised by Perkasa outside the Federal Court in Putrajaya this morning hearing the appeal on the use of the term ‘Allah’ turned unruly and threw objects at the front-door of the Palace of Justice, with many trying to breach the police barrier and enter the court building.

This is the report from The Malaysian Insider by Jennifer Gomez entitled “Perkasa supporters upset by church lawyers, try to get into courthouse”:

“The crowd outside the Palace of Justice in Putrajaya turned unruly just before the Federal Court stood down with many trying to breach the police barrier and enter the court building.

“Shouting and screaming, some members in the crowd threw a microphone and water bottle at the glass door entrance to the building.

“The crowd was 4m from the main door as police stood guard.

“Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said that the crowd advanced towards the main glass door of the Palace of Justice as they had got word that Catholic Church lawyers questioned why the use of the word ‘Allah’ by Christians was being made an issue now when it had been in use in the weekly Herald for 14 years prior to 2009.

“’The supporters heard that this was the submission made by the Catholic Church lawyer, so they got upset.’ He added that no one had instructed them to advance.”

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Killing of police corporal and wounding of another in Klang by illegals mark a new phase of Malaysian security situation – not only ordinary Malaysians but even police do not feel safe in their own country

DAP joins all Malaysians to condemn the killing of Police Corporal Raja Aizam Raja Mohd and the wounding of Cpl Mohd Aidil Mustafa by illegal foreigners in Klang early yesterday.

The killers should be brought to justice and punished with the full weight of the law brought to bear on the murderers.

DAP also sends the deepest condolences to the bereaved family and pray for swift recovery for Corpoal Mohd Aidil who has been warded at the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital in Klang with slash wounds to the head.

The killing of one police corporal and the wounding of another by illegal foreigners mark a new phase of the Malaysian security situation – not only ordinary Malaysians but even police do not feel safe in their own country!

A 100-strong crowd who attended the forum, “Time to Reform the Police Force”, at the Selangor-Kuala Lumpur Chinese Assembly Hall in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, agreed that the majority of Malaysians no longer felt safe, whether they lived in urban or rural areas. Continue reading “Killing of police corporal and wounding of another in Klang by illegals mark a new phase of Malaysian security situation – not only ordinary Malaysians but even police do not feel safe in their own country”