IGP should stop talking tough and start acting swiftly against irresponsible and reckless elements who want to cause racial and religious disharmony and strife through incessant incitement of racial and religious animosities and hatred

Enough of the Inspector-General, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar talking tough as he should start acting swiftly against irresponsible and reckless elements who want to cause racial and religious disharmony and strife through incessant incitement of racial and religious animosities and hatred.

Why is Khalid talking about the use of any law, including Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma), inciting racial tension when the police has not even sent investigation papers to the Attorney-General’s Chambers to arrest and for charges to be laid against those responsible for the self-styled “Council of Islamic NGOs’ “chicken and slap” demonstration in Kuala Lumpur on Feb. 6 where a slew offences had been committed including criminal intimidation, sedition, incitement of violence against a woman, incitement of violence against a Member of Parliament, incitement of another May 13 riots?

For more than three weeks, not a single person had been able to step forward to point out where DAP National Vice Chairperson and MP for Seputeh Teresa Kok’s “Onederful Malaysia CNY 2014” video is anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulers, although I said I would ask Teresa Kok to withdraw and apologise for the video if there is such evidence.

Yet, the police was very fast in completing its investigations on police reports against Teresa Kok’s “Onederful Malaysia CNY 2014” video submitting its papers to the AG’s Chambers on Feb. 14, and having it returned from the AG’s Chambers for further refined investigation – in contrast to the inaction against the “chicken and slap” law-breakers who have now upped the reward to anyone who slaps Teresa Kok from RM1,200 to RM2,000 despite police reports lodged against them.

Who is Khalid threatening against when he warned that anti-terrorism laws would be used against those inciting racial tension?

Is he thinking of those who defied the rule of law, even threatening “volcanic eruptions” and “running amok” as part their incessant incitement of racial and religious hatred, conflict and tension like the self-styled “Council of Islamic NGOs” or is the IGP thinking of Teresa Kok, which will make her one of the first SOMA victims in the country?

I am raising the question whether the IGP is thinking of Teresa Kok as a likely SOMA detainee as I was shocked to see a video clip of Khalid describing Teresa Kok’s “Onederful Malaysia” video as part of a “campaign of hate” to cause disharmony in the country.

Khalid was responding on Sunday to Teresa Kok’s proposal to put up Malay sub-titles for her videotape, which at present has English and Chinese subtitles with the dialogue in Cantonese and Mandarin.

I would have thought Khalid would have welcomed the uploading of Malay sub-titles onto Teresa Kok’s video, which would further expose the lies and falsehoods perpetrated by reckless and irresponsible elements in UMNO and Barisan Nasional who alleged the video as anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulers.

Khalid has shown that he is utterly biased and unprofessional when he publicly indicted Teresa Kok’s video as part of a “campaign of hate”, when he said nothing to condemn those who falsely accuse the video of being anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulers.

Has the police under IGP Khalid come round to the view that any criticism of the present government, whether on price hikes and the mishandling of the economic crisis; decline in educational standards; lack of safety for Malaysian citizens or rampant corruption now come under the purveiw of the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Soma)?

This is clearly not the intention of Parliament – to ban all criticism of the government – when it passed SOSM Act 2012!

Let me state categorically here that Soma is also not the proper law to be used against those who incite racial and religious animosities and hatred to cause racial and religious disharmony and strife, like those responsible for the “chicken and slap” demonstration in Kuala Lumpur on February 6, as there are adequate laws in the land to haul the law-breakers to court.

It is because of the failure of the police to act promptly against those who want to cause racial and religious disharmony like the “chicken and slap” demonstration that the irresponsible and reckless elements out to stoke the fires of racial and religious strife are encouraged to up the ante – as in the splashing of red paint and throwing of a dead chicken outside Teresa Kok’s service centre yesterday.

When will the IGP remember his oath of office and start acting professionally by take firm and swift action against those who incite racial and religious hatred, especially the self-styled “Council of Islamic NGOs” and the Utusan Malaysia?


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