The enemy of the people

– Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
February 18, 2014

I will come back to the Kajang topic soon. It is now becoming more interesting as Zaid Ibrahim is entering the race.

At the moment, I want to share some thoughts on a topic that has been at the back of my mind for some time.

It is Umno’s perversion of the idea of nationalism and the “Umnonisation” of Islam. The danger is this. If left unchecked, Umno will confer upon itself the right as final arbiter on who is a Malaysian or not Malaysian and eventually who is Islamic, less Islamic and so forth. In a bizarre twist, Umno has totally outflanked PAS in portraying itself as the religious zealots bent on “talibanisation” of Muslims in Malaysia and eventually over all Malaysians.

We are all in danger. The country is crumbling under a fainéant leader. His madmen are on the loose. Umno’s nationalism. Continue reading “The enemy of the people”

With a ‘Supporter’ Like Zaid, Pakatan Needs No Enemies

By Kee Thuan Chye
Yahoo! News
18 Feb 2014

What the hell is Zaid Ibrahim doing? He claims, in a Q&A with theSun, that he’s a Pakatan Rakyat supporter and yet he has declared his intention to stand in the upcoming Kajang by-election against Pakatan’s de facto leader, Anwar Ibrahim.

This is downright contradictory. It also gives the impression that he might be trying to settle an old score with Anwar’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), and even Anwar himself.

Many of us would remember that in 2010, while he himself was a member of PKR, Zaid publicly criticised the party and sullied its image. He displayed his egotism by brazenly calling on Anwar to step down as PKR’s leader and offering himself as successor. “I’ll be a good leader,” he boasted. But the party didn’t entertain him and he quit, with much bile and fanfare, to start his own mosquito party, Kita (Parti Kesejahteraan Insan Tanah Air).

He didn’t last long as Kita’s chief, quitting less than two years after he had founded it. During that time, he had a falling-out with his fellow party leaders and even announced disbanding the party but later changed his mind. This prompted his party chiefs to declare that they wanted him out. Continue reading “With a ‘Supporter’ Like Zaid, Pakatan Needs No Enemies”

Liow Tiong Lai vows to “bury” Anwar in Kajang – does he dare to contest in Kajang to carry out Anwar’s burial?

Yesterday the newspaper of the Malaysian “7-11” political party, MCA, launched its political offensive for the Kajang by-election and carried a report entitled “MCA dares Kit Siang to explain why he is afraid of directly offending UMNO”.

I gave a 15-paragraph reply but not a word came out in the Star today.

Instead, there was a second attack on me, entitled “Stop picking on MCA, Lim told”. Will a single word of my reply to this second attack on me appear in the newspaper of the “7-11” political party?

We will know tomorrow.

This is my reply today:

The second MCA attack on me as part of its Kajang by-election pre-campaign offensive has reinforced what I said yesterday, that the Liow-Wee MCA leadership is probably the worst in the 65-year MCA history as they orchestrate political statements and moves even the least honourable past MCA leaders would not do. Continue reading “Liow Tiong Lai vows to “bury” Anwar in Kajang – does he dare to contest in Kajang to carry out Anwar’s burial?”

IGP Khalid must heed the NUCC call for swift action against those inciting racial and religious animosities and hatred to destroy Malaysia’s inter-racial and inter-religious harmony like Utusan and “Council of Islamic NGOs”

The Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said yesterday that the Attorney-General’s Chambers has returned the police investigation papers on DAP National Vice Chairman and Member of Parliament for Seputeh Teresa Kok’s “Onederful Malaysia CNY 2014” video to the police to refine their investigation.

What is surprising is why despite nation-wide and international criticism, the IGP still allows the police to practise double standards as no police action and investigations have yet been made against the group of self-styled “Council of Islamic NGOs” who committed a slew of offences when they staged a demonstration in Kuala Lumpur the previous Thursday on 6th February including criminal intimidation, sedition incitement of violence against a woman, incitement of violence against a Member of Parliament, incitement of another May 13 riots, when they offered RM1,200 to anyone who slaps Teresa Kok and slaughtered four chicken and smeared blood on images of DAP and Pakatan Rakyat leaders.

How can the IGP and the police be so indifferent to the slew of crimes committed by the “Council of Islamic NGOs” if they are the true upholders of law and order and protector of public peace in Malaysia? Continue reading “IGP Khalid must heed the NUCC call for swift action against those inciting racial and religious animosities and hatred to destroy Malaysia’s inter-racial and inter-religious harmony like Utusan and “Council of Islamic NGOs””