Liow-Wee MCA leadership probably the worst in 65-year MCA history orchestrating political statements and moves even the least honorable past MCA leaders would not do

The Liow-Wee MCA leadership which had been in control of the “7-11” party for the past two months is probably the worst in terms of lack of principles and convictions in the 65-year MCA history, orchestrating political statements and moves even the least honorable past MCA leaders would not do.

Today, the MCA newspaper Star carried a big story entitled “MCA dares Kit Siang to explain fear of confronting UMNO” stating that “MCA wants DAP to publicly explain why he is afraid of directly offending UMNO” over the DAP National Vice Chairperson and MP for Teresa Kok’s controversial “Onederful Malaysia CNY 2014” video – which thanks to groups like UMNO, MCA and Gerakan making a hue and cry has received over 650,000 hits on YouTube in less than three weeks.

Instead of personally making charges against me, the Liow-Wee leadership got a lowly flunky to issue the statement so that both Liow Tiong Lai and Wee Ka Siong can disclaim responsibility for the lies, innuendos and insinuations in the statement.

What a pathetic Liow-Wee MCA national leadership who only dare to throw stones from being curtain and stupid enough to believe that their involvement could be kept secret. Continue reading “Liow-Wee MCA leadership probably the worst in 65-year MCA history orchestrating political statements and moves even the least honorable past MCA leaders would not do”

Call on overwhelming majority of Malaysians, who are moderates regardless of race, religion or politics, to support the “Purple Movement” for racial and religious tolerance, peace and harmony and to reject the merchants of hate and violence in their midst

Two events yesterday are the latest signs that the merchants of racial and religious hatred are continuously upping the ante to escalate racial and religious hatred, conflict and tension in Malaysia to serve their petty political ends, viz:

— The vitriolic Mingguan Malaysia article yesterday falsely attacking non-Malays for insulting Malays, Islam and Rulers and warning them to know their “limits”; and

— The hurling of a slab of meat, believed to be pork, at a mosque at Cherok Tokun in Machang Bubuk yesterday morning.

Utusan Malaysia, UMNO’s official organ, had been enjoying immunity and impunity for its nefarious and long-standing mischief of disseminating lies and falsehoods to incite racial and religious misunderstanding, hatred, conflict and tension – as for example in its front-page lie that the DAP wanted to create a Christian Malaysia and that DAP is anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulers.

As Mingguan Malaysia – the Sunday edition of Utusan Malaysia – belongs to UMNO, the UMNO President and Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the UMNO Deputy President and Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, and the UMNO National Vice Presidents and UMNO Ministers must declare whether the vitriolic Mingguan Malaysia article reflects the latest thinking and position of the UMNO leadership. Continue reading “Call on overwhelming majority of Malaysians, who are moderates regardless of race, religion or politics, to support the “Purple Movement” for racial and religious tolerance, peace and harmony and to reject the merchants of hate and violence in their midst”

Are we heading for emergency rule?

by P Ramakrishnan
16 February 2014

Is that why no action is taken against these trouble-makers who whip up ethno-religious sentiment – because unrest is necessary for emergency rule, wonders P Ramakrishnan.

It was reminiscent of the lawless Wild West when rough-necks went on a rampage to assert their authority over the helpless town folks. There was nobody brave enough to stand up to the mayhem they created.

There was no Sheriff, no Deputy and no hero to take on these hooligans.

That was what happened last Thursday, 6 February 2014, when troublemakers took to the streets in a frenzy of hatred to incite and provoke Malay extremists to partake in acts that would threaten our peace and harmony. It was no ordinary gathering; it was a gathering of racists and bigots out to create mischief.

In blatant defiance of the law, these members of several Muslim NGOs gathered in the afternoon near the busy Puduraya bus terminal and government offices at Jalan Tun Perak in Kuala Lumpur.

Some participants stomped on the banner bearing the faces of DAP and PKR representatives. They then slaughtered four chickens and smeared their blood on the faces of Teresa Kok, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang and Machang Bubok assembly member Lee Khai Loon (PKR) in a ritual intended to cause calamity in the country.

This bloody act was committed by these trouble-makers claiming to belong to the Council of Islamic NGOs as proclaimed in the banner to “Protest against insults of Malay leadership, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and Islam and Malay dignity by a splinter of politicians, leaders and Chinese chauvinists”. Continue reading “Are we heading for emergency rule?”

Amid growing religious tensions, this group walks for peace in Penang

by Looi Sue-Chern
The Malaysian Insider
February 16, 2014

Hours after a mosque in mainland Penang was defiled with a slab of meat believed to be pork, a group of people visited places of worship in George Town promoting peace and love.

Dressed in purple – the colour that signifies religious tolerance – the group carried carnations and roses, as well as purple balloons as they walked together to visit the St George’s Church, the Goddess of Mercy Temple, the Sri Mahamariaman Temple and Masjid Jamek Lebuh Acheh.

The group’s mission to promote inter-religious tolerance came some 12 hours after a mosque in Cheruk Tok Kun on mainland Penang was defiled with a slab of meat believed to be pork, which was thrown at one of its entrances.

Social activist Azrul Mohd Khalib from the group said the event, “Walk in the Park” by a loose group called Malaysians for Malaysia, is aimed at demonstrating that Malaysians are standing up for their fellow citizens, following increasing concern over tensions related to racial and religious issues.

“We reject violence, aggression, bigotry and discrimination. This is not the Malaysia we want. We can actually exist together in harmony.

“We want to speak for ourselves and stand up against groups like Perkasa and Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA) and their prejudice,” he said, addressing the people who had gathered at the Esplanade field at 5.30pm today, before setting out on their mission of peace. Continue reading “Amid growing religious tensions, this group walks for peace in Penang”

Lessons of faith, harmony and provocation over the weekend

February 17, 2014

Malaysians learnt a few things over a rather hot weekend, from opposition leaders who reached out to all, to ordinary Malaysians preaching harmony and the few troublemakers who appear to incite trouble.

Some might still think opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is a political chameleon but his visit to a Kajang church yesterday proved one thing – he was willing to take the bull by the horns and reach out to all Malaysians irrespective of their faith.

Perhaps he was just there for their votes, those less charitable of him would say.

But the PKR de facto leader did something that no Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders has done in a long time – meet Malaysians outside their community and be the leader of all Malaysians, not just their own race or co-religionists.

Have we seen any BN leader face a crowd of ordinary Malaysians, not from their party or race or religion, and answer their blunt questions? In most cases, it is stage-managed events filled with either a pliant media or those paid to tweet photographs of these leaders.

Anwar is not alone, of course. PAS leaders such as Khalid Abdul Samad and Mujahid Yusof Rawa have also gone to meet and reach out to people from different faiths over the years. Continue reading “Lessons of faith, harmony and provocation over the weekend”

‘The Heat’ Bounces Back as the Media Takes a Beating

By Kee Thuan Chye

The Heat is back. I wouldn’t say, with a vengeance, but certainly with plenty of critical substance for the reading public to think about. And well-researched information that is essential for every citizen.

On the front page of the newsweekly’s comeback issue of February 8-14, it vows to continue to “speak up against corruption, injustice and the forces that seek to divide our nation”. And its inside pages carry enough fire to show that it has not been cowed by its seven-week-long suspension by the Home Ministry.

Indeed, one of its top articles is headlined ‘It’s time for greater freedom of the press’. Although one might quibble that the headline is not quite accurate because you can’t have greater freedom when there is no freedom to begin with, the body of the article clearly spells out where The Heat stands on this issue. And quite rightly, too, because it is this lack of freedom that caused its suspension. Continue reading “‘The Heat’ Bounces Back as the Media Takes a Beating”