New MCA leaders led by Tiong Lai and Ka Siong are doing Malaysian Chinese and Malaysia the greatest disservice aiding and abetting the baseless perception that Malays and Islam are under siege because of Teresa Kok’s video

Wee Ka Siong has come out with a most pathetic reaction to my advice to the new Liow/Wee MCA leadership to stop being xioren 小人 but must dare to speak truth to power by declaring that Teresa Kok’s video is not anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-royalty.

Unless of course Liow Tiong Lai and Wee Ka Siong are of the view that Teresa Kok’s video is really anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulers, then let them say so openly, and I will respect them for it – but they must be able to prove that Teresa Kok’s video is anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulers.

Up to now, neither Wee nor Liow is prepared to say that Teresa Kok’s video is anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulers but the duo also dare not say that the UMNO Ministers had been seriously misinformed to believe that Teresa Kok’s video is anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-royalty.

If MCA leaders are not responsible for misleading UMNO Ministers into believing that Teresa Kok’s video is anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulers, what is holding them back from openly declaring that the five UMNO Ministers who are attacked the video as anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulers are wrong to attack Teresa Kok as there is nothing in her video is anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulers?

This is a simple logic which even children can understand but the highly-educated MCA leaders find difficulty to grasp!

In desperation to rebut the allegation that MCA leaders had misled the UMNO Ministers, Wee had to say that Teresa Kok’s video come with English sub-titles and the UMNO Ministers must have depended on the English sub-titles.

If the five UMNO Ministers had depended on the English sub-titles and not MCA hearsay to attack Teresa Kok’s video as anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulers , why up to now none of them dare to say so?

The reason is very simple. The five UMNO Ministers had not depended on the English sub-titles but on the national leaders in MCA and Gerakan who played the role of xioren 小人 whispering to UMNO leaders the lies and falsehoods that Teresa Kok’s video is anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulers.

Furthermore, the UMNO Ministers will come under further attack for being irresponsible politicians who are not fit to be Ministers because there is nothing in the English sub-titles which they could use to show the video is anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulers.

I will in fact go one step further and I accuse the new MCA leaders led by Tiong Lai and Ka Siong are doing the Malaysian Chinese and Malaysia the greatest disservice by aiding and abetting the baseless perception that Malays and Islam are under siege because of Teresa Kok’s anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulelrs video.

Let me ask Liow and Wee straight – do they agree that Malays and Islam are under siege in Malaysia, and one of the reasons is because of Teresa Kok’s purportedly anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Rulers video?

If not, why are they condoning such lies and falsehoods – which goes back to the 13th General Elections when MCA created the impression that there is confrontation between two races in Malaysia, the Malays in government and the Chinese in Oppositio

Do Liow and Wee agree with the theory of former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir that I had gone to Gelang Patah in the 13GE to contest to bring about a confrontation of the Malays and Chinese, and the 13th General Elections results is proof that the Chinese in Malaysia wanted to oust the political power from the Malays?

The MCA leadership should know that silence on their part on such dangerous and reckless political theorising in Barisan Nasional is equated to consent with such racist and extremist political views.

When will the MCA leadership openly repudiate and dissociate themselves from such extremist and ultra views and groups who are trying to create the impression that the Malays and Islam are under siege in Malaysia after the 13th General Elections?

(Media Statement in Kuala Lumpur on Friday, 14th February 2014)


6 Replies to “New MCA leaders led by Tiong Lai and Ka Siong are doing Malaysian Chinese and Malaysia the greatest disservice aiding and abetting the baseless perception that Malays and Islam are under siege because of Teresa Kok’s video”

  1. Hahahahahaha…..I like Teresa Kok new poem

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    When flowers are too pricey
    Kangkung will do

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Sugar is sweet
    It may give you diabetes too

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    In case you missed it
    This is a satire, too

    I strongly it should tag along with this song…..It goes very well with that sassy MP, Teresa.

    It’s a german song. It’s about a girl who can be sweet & yet turn into a tiger if not treated with respect………Hahahahaha

    Guys & Gals,
    She is not Lindsay Lohan……Hahahaha…..That singer can be as old as Anwar Ibrahim…….Hahahahaha

  2. Mr Lim,

    Liow and Wee are probably still recovering from the whipping they have received from their UMNO masters for misinterpreting the Teresa Kok video.

    They might need some time for the whipping weals to go away before they can say anything in public :)

    There is little doubt that UMNO ministers have been left with egg on face and are themselves stunned into silence for being made to look like fools.

    There is an extremely rude Hokkien saying which applies very aptly to the silence on the other side of the fence. It refers to their mouths gagging on …. eeerrr… eerrr… oh never mind :)

  3. You expect these morons to come clean, Kit? “Hey look! Flying pigs!” UMNO Baru and those from Perkasa will turn their faces into that of “Bulldog”, as what Mike Tyson did to his opponents, for making them look like bozos.

    Kajang voters, please don’t throw away those worn out slippers. Use them to slap these troublemakers when they come campaigning in your area next. Better still, use your underwears!

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