If senior ministers and legislators publicly demonstrate that they cannot differentiate right from wrong, what type of a bad example are they providing not only to citizens but the young generation of Malaysians in schools, colleges and universities?

I welcome the Islamic Consumer Association of Malaysia (PPIM) distancing itself from the offer to “slap” DAP woman MP Teresa Kok at a disgraceful “chicken-slaughtering and blood-smearing” demonstration by self-styled “Council of Islamic NGOs” in Kuala Lumpur last Thursday.

PPIM secretary-general Dr Ma’amor Osman has clarified that PPIM was not directly involved in making the initial offer of RM500 for anyone to slap the Seputeh MP over her controversial Chinese New Year satirical video. The offer was later increased to RM1,200.

I fully agree with the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Tan Sri Joseph Kurup that the bounty to slap Teresa Kok could only be made by people who are of “unsound mind”.

Dr. Ma’amor’s repudiation of the disgraceful “slap offer” and “chicken-slaughtering and blood-smearing” episode shows that sanity is returning to groups who were targeted by dubious but highly irresponsible characters bent on inciting racial and religious hatred, conflict and tension based on lies and falsehoods. Continue reading “If senior ministers and legislators publicly demonstrate that they cannot differentiate right from wrong, what type of a bad example are they providing not only to citizens but the young generation of Malaysians in schools, colleges and universities?”

UMNO Vice Presidents and Ministers will be even more irresponsible and reckless if their attack on Teresa Kok’s video as anti-Malay and anti-Islam is based on the video sub-titles which provide no cause whatsoever for such a rampage

I was yesterday reminded of the Chinese saying: 此地无银三百两(cǐdì wú yín sān bǎi liǎng), i.e .“there are no 300 pieces of silver here”, when I read a response to my statement that UMNO Ministers had been misled by Chinese BN leaders to spearhead the demonization campaign against Teresa Kok falsely accusing her video “Onederful Malaysia CNY 2014” as being anti-Malay and anti-Islam.

The Chinese saying came from an interesting story.

There was this man named Zhang San(张三) who fancied himself to be clever, but he really was somewhat dull. He managed to collect 300 taels of silver. He didn’t want this tidy sum of money to be stolen, so he had to figure out what to do with it. After considering various plans, he decided to bury the silver in a corner of a wall behind his house. Of course, he did when it was dark so he could evade detection. After the silver was buried, Zhang San was concerned the silver would be discovered. So, he thought he arrived at what was a brilliant plan! He made a sign that said 此地无银三百两 “No 300 taels of silver buried here” at the precise location where he buried the money.

I thought of this saying when I read of the tweets by the Gerakan national youth chief Tan Keng Liang yesterday: Continue reading “UMNO Vice Presidents and Ministers will be even more irresponsible and reckless if their attack on Teresa Kok’s video as anti-Malay and anti-Islam is based on the video sub-titles which provide no cause whatsoever for such a rampage”

The conduct of Umno leaders

– Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
February 12, 2014

In an earlier article, I have mentioned a bit about the late Tun Dr Ismail. Some people cannot accept the comparison saying there’s no need to drag in Tun Ismail in the issue in question. Or saying Tun Ismail’s time was history.

Of course the personal attacks against me continue. I am after all a running dog of the “da PIGs” and my tokongs are the Lim Family. These diatribes and vitriol are of no consequence to me. I, a Malay and a Muslim and a rightful citizen of Malaysia find no contradiction being in the DAP. We can all coexist because we are united and resolute in struggling and fighting for a just, equitable and fair society through the instrument of the democratic process. I hope this can be sufficiently understood by people with sufficient intelligence.

People are free to believe in Umno and what it struggles for. We are likewise free not to believe in Umno.

We reject violence and unconstitutional approach to changing government. That is the basis which unites Malaysians who want to be in the DAP. I find it laughable the call from some Malays that they enter DAP to get into the CEC or get some posts. If they join DAP to get these, then don’t join. Let only those with similar convictions join. Continue reading “The conduct of Umno leaders”

Shame of shame! Worst setback to Najib’s “best democracy in the world” claim with Malaysia’s 2014 Press Freedom Index falling to the lowest point in nation’s history, even below that of Myanmar

Shame of shame! This is the worst setback to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s “best democracy in the world” claim with Malaysia’s 2014 Press Freedom Index falling to the lowest point in nation’s history, even below that of Myanmar.

Malaysia already plunged last year to a historic low of No. 145 ranking out of 179 countries in the 2013 World Press Freedom Index – the worst since the start of the annual index by Reporters Without Border (RSF) in 2002.

Malaysia fell by 23 rungs last year, as it was ranked at 122 in the 2011/2012 Press Freedom Index.

In the latest 2014 World Press Freedom Index just released, Malaysia fell further to 147 out of 180 countries, two places behind Myanmar which climbed from 151st ranking to 145th position this year.

ASEAN nations which outperformed Malaysia include Brunei 117, Thailand 130, Indonesia 132 and Cambodia 144 and Myanmar 145. Philippines is ranked 149, Singapore 150, Laos 171 and Vietnam 174.

Malaysia’s World Press Freedom Index 2014 would have been more abysmal falling even behind Philippines and Singapore if the government’s latest press freedom repression had been taken into account, i.e. revocation of the publishing permit for FZ daily, hours just after the publisher The Edge Communications Sdn. Bhd. was granted leave to initiate proceedings against the Home Ministry for deferring its initial approval of the permit. Continue reading “Shame of shame! Worst setback to Najib’s “best democracy in the world” claim with Malaysia’s 2014 Press Freedom Index falling to the lowest point in nation’s history, even below that of Myanmar”