Malaysians are tired of “sweet-sounding” speeches by Najib, what they want are deeds and delivery of “One Malaysia, People First, Performance Now” promise which he made in his maiden speech as Prime Minister some five years ago

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak made another “sweet-sounding” speech yesterday in his 2014 New Year message, trying to explain away his “Chinese tsunami” statement on the night of the 13th General Election as well as declaring that he “understand and sympathise with concerns” of the people at the impact of rising costs.

Malaysians are tired of “sweet-sounding” speeches by Najib as what they want are deeds and delivery of the “One Malaysia, People First, Performance Now” promise which he made in his maiden speech when he took over the reins as Prime Minister some five years ago.

Najib says he “understand and sympathise” with the people’s concerns but the more important question is whether the people feel that the Prime Minister “understand and sympathise” with their deepest concerns as a result of the spiral of rising prices, and the answer is a loud and categorical “No”! Continue reading “Malaysians are tired of “sweet-sounding” speeches by Najib, what they want are deeds and delivery of “One Malaysia, People First, Performance Now” promise which he made in his maiden speech as Prime Minister some five years ago”

10,000 defy warning, police give in to protesters

7:40PM Dec 31, 2013

In anticipation of a gloomy 2014, demonstrators took to the streets in Kuala Lumpur tonight to protest the rising cost of living as a result of the government’s austerity measures.

The New Year’s Eve protest, organised by a coalition of NGOs led by Gerakan Turun Kos Sara Hidup (Turun), saw participants gathering at three meeting points – Sogo Shopping Complex at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Pasar Seni and Masjid Jamek

They then marched to Dataran DBKL before proceeding to the adjacent Dataran Merdeka where the Kuala Lumpur City Hall is organising a New Year’s concert.

The authorities have accused protest organisers of planning to overthrow the government and police have branded the rally “illegal”.

Police claim to have intelligence that dangerous weapons and bombs will be present at the demonstration but protest organisers have vehemently denied this.

Turun chief Mohd Azan Safar said the government was attempting to distract attention from the cost of living issues, which is the focus of the protest.


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1.00am – This conclude our LIVE coverage of the rally. And no, the federal government has not been toppled. Happy New Year.

12.15am, Dataran Merdeka – Addressing the crowd, Turun chief Azan Safar leads the protesters to pledge for a corruption free 2014, while Solidarity Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) chief Badrul Hisham Shaharin later takes over the microphone and asked: “Was there any violence? Was there any bombings?”

He then leads the protesters in a comedic song which contains the lyrics “We love the police and the police loves us… We are only just upset that BN cheated us because they said toll will go down, but instead it went up”.
Continue reading “10,000 defy warning, police give in to protesters”

As costs spiral, Putrajaya urged to trim Cabinet, civil service for real reforms

By Boo Su-Lyn
The Malay Mail Online
January 1, 2014

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 1 — The Barisan Nasional (BN) government remains in a difficult position despite announcing cost-cutting measures in an attempt to match the rising cost of living faced by ordinary Malaysians, with political analysts saying real reforms are needed to cut waste and appease an unhappy public.

Political analysts dismissed Putrajaya’s spending cuts as tokenism, calling instead for the downsizing of a giant civil service and the Cabinet to create real reforms.

Last night, thousands of Malaysians ushered in the New Year in protest, taking to the streets of the city’s capital to rally against the sudden series of spending cuts — from higher fuel and sugar prices to the expected spike in toll and assessment rates.

Critics have also said that Putrajaya’s measures to cutback on government spending, which include reducing the entertainment allowance of ministers and trimming electricity bills, were too superficial and would do little to rein in the wastage of public funds.

To Wan Saiful Wan Jan, the chief executive of the think tank Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS), “true reform” would mean reducing Prime Minister Najib Razak’s Cabinet. Continue reading “As costs spiral, Putrajaya urged to trim Cabinet, civil service for real reforms”

On New Year’s Eve, thousands march to protest price hikes but Putrajaya still in BN’s hands

by Lee Shi-Ian & Muzliza Mustafa
The Malaysian Insider
December 31, 2013

Thousands defied Putrajaya and rallied at Dataran Merdeka tonight against the rising cost of goods and services, as police looked on after warning for days earlier it was a gathering to topple the ruling coalition.

The boisterous crowd which had streamed to the fringe of the square from Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Masjid India and Central Market was largely peaceful, but several lines of police officers stood between them and revellers who had gathered in the square for the national new year’s eve countdown celebration.

“Inside is for those who want to celebrate New Year’s Eve. If you want to protest, you may do so on the other side,” said Dang Wangi OCPD Zainulddin Ahmad.

However, police, just after 11pm, relented as the streaming crowd breached the police and City Hall barricades to join the revelers in the square.

Just before midnight the concert at the Dataran Merdeka was halted in view of the surge of protestors. City Hall personnel formed a line in front of the stage, and the lights were turned off. Continue reading “On New Year’s Eve, thousands march to protest price hikes but Putrajaya still in BN’s hands”