Call for an emergency Parliament during Chinese New Year period to address the “kangkung” crisis faced by the Prime Minister and the country, including attempts to incite racial and religious hatred to create another May 13

I call for an emergency meeting of Parliament during the Chinese New Year period to address the “kangkung” crisis faced by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the country, including blatant attempts by irresponsible and reckless elements to escalate the incitement of racial and religious hatred, conflict and tension to create the conditions for another May 13 racial riots in the country.

The throwing of two Molotov cocktails into the compound of the Church of the Assumption in Lebuh Farquhar, Penang, early this morning and the putting up of the provocative banner “Jesus is the son of Allah” without the knowledge of church authorities outside three churches in Penang yesterday by irresponsible and reckless elements out to escalate the incitement of racial and religious hatred, conflict and tension are the latest evidence of the existence of a treacherous conspiracy by a small group of traitors out to destabilize the country and cause a racial or religious conflagration.

The Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar could resort to the fairy tale that there was a conspiracy to topple the elected government on New Year’s Eve at Dataran Merdeka although there was no basis for such a wild allegation as there was only a peaceful gathering to protest price hikes.

Why is the IGP completely silent about the numerous attempts by reckless and irresponsible elements who are acting no different as traitors in the past few months out systematically to incite racial and religious hatred, conflict and tension to create another May 13 in the country?

Is the IGP sleeping on his job? It is time that the IGP wake up and carry out his duty to the nation and the people to protect them from traitors who are prepared to incite racial and religious hatred, conflict and tension to create another May 13 in the country.

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad said today that racial tensions are rising under a weak BN.

He is both right and wrong – right that the Barisan Nasional is weak and that is why the “kangkung” hullabaloo could resonate throughout the country and even become international news because of a rudderless, clueless and leaderless administration.

Wrong because a rudderless government is not caused by attempts by the Chinese to establish political and economic dominance over the Malays as repeatedly alleged by Mahathir.

In fact, if there is any single person who is responsible for the present state of affairs in Malaysia, it is Mahathir himself, who started even before the May 5 general elections last year to incite racial and religious hatred, conflict and tensions by for example alleging that I was contesting in Gelang Patah for the Chinese to confront the Malays and to destroy the power-sharing of Malays and Chinese in Malaysia – which were a sheer pack of lies.

The first step for Malaysia to restore normalcy is for irresponsible elements like Mahathir to stop their irresponsible inciting of racial and religious hatred, conflict and tension through lies and falsehoods.

I call for an emergency Parliament during Chinese New Year period to address the “kangkung” crisis faced by the Prime Minister and the country, including attempts to incite racial and religious hatred to create another May 13.

In 2008, former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah dissolved Parliament to hold the 12th general elections during the Chinese New Year period. If Parliament could be dissolved during the Chinese New Year period for a general elections to be held, there can be reason why an emergency meeting of Parliament cannot be held during the Chinese New Year period when the so many national issues are so imperative, urgent and pressing.

[Media Conference Statement after a Chinese New Year visit to Tangkak together with Johore DAP State Assemblymen Ee Chin Lee (Tangkak), Tan Hong Pin (Mengkibol) and Lim Eng Guan (Bekok) in Tangkak on Sunday, 26th January 2014 at 3 pm]


9 Replies to “Call for an emergency Parliament during Chinese New Year period to address the “kangkung” crisis faced by the Prime Minister and the country, including attempts to incite racial and religious hatred to create another May 13”

  1. Isn’t there a procedure for MPs in sufficient numbers to summon a sitting of Parliament ? But I forget. That other pendek will just say ‘not urgent, not of public importance, and not specific enough’ or some other lame excuses to ignore any calls for a sitting. As for Mr Spineless Kangkong, he has to get UMNO Supreme Council to back him up first. He has no Bols on his own.

  2. They created one in 1969 to topple the Tunku. Now they are trying to do a repeat to oust Najib. And the IGP playing dumb over the church-bombing incidents brings one to suspect someone very powerful is working behind the scene. The big question: Who stands to gain most from Najib’s ouster?

  3. The IGP is more concerned with politicking than a policeman in uniform to be exact. Najib should sack this useless IGP to save the Police and his administration from further embarrassment.

    Mahathir’s intention is all too clear – to raise the tempo by his manoeuvring of the Muslims and Christians being pitted against each other. True to form of a Salamander of some sort, he is all too familiar for his rebel rouser’s intentions even during the times and era of the Tunku himself.

    As Bishop Paul Tan argued: “When you pause to think of the sorry sequel to that entire episode – today’s changed demographics of Sabah which is the object of a royal commission of inquiry – and consider who may plausibly be responsible for that, the indictable range moves from sedition to treason.”

  4. Chinese saying 人是你,鬼是你. They make trouble and then THEIR LEADER says its because they are weak. They simply don’t get it they don’t fool anyone. Truth is they never did fool most people, just that they were willing to close their eyes for practical reasons.

    The fact they are continuing to use the outdated tactics that will never work means that the real scary thing is THEY HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THEY ARE DOING. Its why the likes of LKL and his supporters believe that they need not compromise is because they believe it won’t work anymore. At best they can cause damage but it simply won’t work..

  5. Previously many DEVIOUS n EVIL deeds went undetected n could b covered
    Dat was b4 d Internet n digital ERA
    Now, it’s different n hard 2 DECEIVE rakyat
    However, there r still kangkung politicians who believe dat they could lie, cheat, n play-play with rakyat

  6. >In fact, if there is any single person who is responsible for the present state of affairs in Malaysia, it is Mahathir himself>

    As they say in the old days, “obvi”, isn’t it? Many people had tried to give some coherence to this man’s thoughts and deeds and failed because they missed the reason for his being, which is Himself and nothing else. Not the country, the people, or religion. It is always Mahathir, Mahathir, and Mahathir.

    > restore normalcy is for irresponsible elements like Mahathir to stop their irresponsible inciting of racial and religious hatred, conflict and tension through lies and falsehoods.<

    He can't be stopped unless the government realizes that he is not Malaysia, and Malaysia is not Mahathir. Najib has missed the chance to be a real leader by putting his foot down and say to the old man: "This is my administration and we shall not tolerate any act that is detrimental to the well-being of the country. Continue with what you've been doing and you would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

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