Call on Malaysian patriots and moderates regardless of race, religion or political affiliation to come forward to save Malaysia from extremists

Yesterday, Penang UMNO staged a demonstration in response to the kangkung-theme flash mob organised by PKR Machang Bubuk assemblyman, Lee Khai Loon.

I have no objection to Penang UMNO staging a peaceful demonstration but all right-thinking Malaysians must be horrified that the Penang UMNO demonstration was a blatant and shameless incitement of racial and religious hatred, tensions and conflict in Malaysia which must be condemned by all patriotic and peace-loving Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region or political affiliation.

If any of the Pakatan Rakyat parties had been involved in such-like demonstration as the one conducted by Penang Umno, unashamedly and blatantly inciting racial and religious hatred, tensions and conflict, the police would have acted immediately and the Pakatan Rakyat leaders involved would have been behind bars awaiting trial for sedition.

Why is there no action by the Police and the authorities to stop such dangerous, irresponsible, incendiary and seditious incitement of racial and religious hatred, tensions and conflict by Penang UMNO yesterday Umno protesters yesterday indulged in the worst form of political gangsterism and thuggery, threatening with the rhetorical question: “Does DAP want another May 13” and carried the most blood-curdling racist and religious slogans and banners, even with one banner in blood red with the screaming words: “Because of DAPs leaders mouth, May 13, 1969 happened…Want some more?” and other inflammatory banners like “ABCD – Asal Bukan Cina DAP” and “DAP is the enemy of Islam”. Continue reading “Call on Malaysian patriots and moderates regardless of race, religion or political affiliation to come forward to save Malaysia from extremists”