Vow to uphold justice and vanquish all forms of injustices

Let me wish all Hindus a happy, joyous and meaningful Thaipusam.

Thaipusam commemorates the occasion when Parvati gave Murugan a Vel “spear” so he could vanquish the evil demon Soorapadman.

It is an occasion for devotees to pray to God to receive his grace so that bad traits are destroyed.

On the occasion of this year’s Thaipusam, let us all vow to uphold justice and vanquish all forms of injustices so as to realise the Malaysian Dream – a united, successful democratic, prosperous and competitive Malaysia where there is justice, rule of law, good governance, religious harmony and zero tolerance for corruption, and where every Malaysian, regardless of race, religion or region has a rightful place under the Malaysian sun. Continue reading “Vow to uphold justice and vanquish all forms of injustices”

Malaysia must stop being an international laughing stock as “land of mega financial scandals without criminals” with all patriotic Malaysians demanding that those responsible for the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal must be identified and brought to book

I would have won if someone had betted with me whether the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) “mother of all scandals” had ever been raised or discussed at the second 2014 Cabinet meeting yesterday, especially after the shock double acquittal of two former Transport Ministers in their multiple charges in connection with the scandal.

On Monday, former Transport Minister Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy walked free from the High Court from cheating charges in connection with the PKFZ scandal, the second former Transport Minister to be acquitted in less than three months in connection with the PKFZ scandal.

But clearly, none in the Cabinet meeting yesterday wanted to rock the boat and everybody prefered to “Let sleeping dogs lie”!

But this irresponsible, craven and cowardly attitude cannot be acceptable to Malaysians who want to see the fulfillment of the Malaysian Dream – a united, harmonious, just, competitive and great plural Malaysia nation built on the principles of tolerance, justice, freedom, integrity and good governance where there is zero tolerance for corruption.
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Bagaimana mitos tentang DAP bermula (Bahagian 1)

Oleh Mahdzir Ibrahim | JANUARY 15, 2014
Roketkini | The Malaysian Insider

Saya tidak pasti akan dapat memberi jawapan yang jelas sebagaimana soalan tersebut kerana adakalanya jawapan tu hanya dapat digambarkan saja. Justeru, pembaca berhak menyimpulkan sendiri jawapan yang saya tulis ini, dalam keadaan sedar diri dan waras.

Sedar bahawa siapa saya, budaya saya dan keinginan saya.

Antara penolakan yang paling popular oleh DAP ke atas dasar kerajaan Umno adalah hal yang berkaitan tentang Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB). Yang nyata, DAP menolak pada kaedah atau mekanisme pelaksanaannya, bukan menolak tujuan dan matlamat DEB.

Jawapan yang sangat objektif ini rupa-rupanya belum cukup buat orang Melayu faham, bukan kerana orang Melayu bodoh tetapi kerana pendirian DAP ini diputar belit oleh Umno menerusi propaganda perkauman yang sangat licik.

Maka, jawapan tersebut perlu lagi dijelaskan dengan lebih mendalam, moga kepalsuan dapat dijinakkan menerusi kempen-kempen kesedaran atau kempen ‘pembetulan’, dan rencana ini adalah sebahagian daripada kempen tersebut.
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Putrajaya imposes ‘very high’ restrictions on religion, global study finds

by Trinna Leong
The Malaysian Insider
January 15, 2014

Putrajaya’s restrictions on religion are among the worst in the world, revealed a study by American think tank Pew Research Centre.

The report, Restrictions on Religion, which covered 198 countries, found that Malaysia is among the 24 nations with “very high” government restrictions on religion.

It also found that the number of countries with “high or very high level of social hostilities involving religion reached a six-year-peak in 2012”.“A third (33%) of the 198 countries and territories included in the study had high religious hostilities in 2012, up from 29% in 2011 and 20% as of mid-2007,” said the report.

Placing Malaysia on par with countries like Egypt, Syria, Somalia, Russia, Sudan and Iraq, the report measured “government laws, policies and actions that restrict religious beliefs and practices” for its Government Restrictions Index (GRI).

The report, which covered more than 99.5% of the world’s population, had looked at “efforts by governments to ban particular faiths, prohibit conversions, limit preaching or give preferential treatment to one or more religious groups”. Continue reading “Putrajaya imposes ‘very high’ restrictions on religion, global study finds”