Knives are being sharpened for the Night of Long Knives in the conspiracy by Umno reactionaries/anti-democratic forces to remove obstacles in the way of their putsch

Yesterday, I titled my blog piece “The Empire strikes back – the plot for a putsch by reactionary anti-democratic forces thickens with the call for a return of Dr M to Putrajaya”.

The online Star today carried an interesting item which is not unrelated to the tale of “The Empire strikes back”.

The online Star report by Martin Carvalho titled “Hasan Malek denies again rumours of resignation” states:

KUALA LUMPUR: Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Hasan Malek denied recent talk of his resignation, saying that he was not bothered about such rumours.

“There is no need for me to answer the question as the issue does not arise at all.

“For me, what is important is that I am here to discharge my duty and responsibility to the rakyat and will continue to do so sincerely and in the best of my abilities,” he told reporters after a walkabout at the Pudu Urban Transformation Centre on Monday.

Earlier, before the press conference, members of the media were requested by ministry officials to refrain from asking on the rumours and to confine their questions to ministerial issues.

Last Friday, the ministry issued a media statement denying rumours of Hasan’s resignation which were circulating among bloggers and Facebook users on Thursday.

Is this story about Hasan Malek related to “The Empire Strikes Back”?

Definitely yes. Knives are being sharpened for the Night of Long Knives in the conspiracy by Umno reactionaries/anti-democratic forces to remove obstacles in the way of their putsch and Hasan is one such target from the Najib Cabinet.

Recently, UMNO’s own cybertroopers have reached a new ferocity turning their attacks on the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak who have become the target of attacks and butt of jokes of UMNO cybertroopers, some even comparing Najib unfavourably with his predecessor, Tun Abdullah.

Although these attacks by the UMNO cybertroopers have yet to reach for Najib’s jugular, confined for the moment to Najib’s army of highly-paid consultants and his ministerial and political appointees like Hasan Malek, it seems only a matter of time before these attacks jell into an unified and central demand for Najib’s resignation and his replacement.

Who is orchestrating the plot and conspiracy of “The Empire Strikes Back”?


8 Replies to “Knives are being sharpened for the Night of Long Knives in the conspiracy by Umno reactionaries/anti-democratic forces to remove obstacles in the way of their putsch”

  1. You can definitely detect the pro-UMNO shift online…Surprised it took so long to get to this point. I guess they did not want to be accused of doing the same thing to Najib they did to Badawi and thereby tarnishing the entire UMNO party..

  2. Mr Lim,

    “…Who is orchestrating the plot and conspiracy of “The Empire Strikes Back”?…”


    His initials are MM. He has Indian blood. He comes from Kedah. His son has the same initials.

    Worked it out yet? :)

    What I find more intriguing is how will the dirty deed be done?

    Tap Najib on the shoulder and ask him to step aside?

    If Najib refuses, which I think he will, then what?

    Call an UMNO EGM and launch a direct challenge using a proxy, eg Muhyiddin, Zahid or, heavens forbid, someone of “stature” like a serving Mentri Besar of …. eerrr … Kedah, perhaps?

    I’m not smart enough to figure it out and I’ve been trying for the last few weeks.

  3. No lah, not long knives 1 lah, where got long knives 1

    Got KRIS, plenty n in all shapes n sizes
    Can b used by conspirators 2 STAB a pseudo-leader 23 times
    “Aiyah, et tu, Mooooo?”
    “Alamak, et tu, MMK?”

  4. Chan Kong Choy walked away a free man today after the AG withdrew the charges against him. RM12.5 billion of the taxpayers’ money disappeared into thin air without anyone having to account for this fiasco.

    But this is not the issue. The real issue is far more complex than you think. And this takes us back to that “meeting” between the Who is Who not too long ago. This has something to do with the show of hands when the curtain is raised. Who will take it among themselves to stand up for the country and the Prime Minister under siege?

    This is the time for Najib to keep his friends close and his enemies even closer. As a last resort, he can dissolve Parliament which may not be a bad idea.

  5. Culture of violence, d Wolf of M’sia, n amok, amok, amok
    As if MIC kaki not aware of d above among UmnoB kaki, their tai kor
    Now kamlan chappy kena punched by an UmnoB Youth kaki n MIC demanded acti0n against d puncher
    WHAT, action?! B serious lah, can 1 meh?
    Dis kamlan chappy always KISSES hands of UmnoB kaki 1 what, so WHAT is a punch fr his master?

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