The Empire strikes back – the plot for a putsch by reactionary anti-democratic forces thickens with the call for a return of Dr M to Putrajaya

The Empire strikes back – and the plot for a putsch by reactionary anti-democratic forces thickens with the call for a return of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to Putrajaya.

The blog by former Information Minister and one of Mahathir’s top propaganda minions, Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin, for the return of Mahathir to Putrajaya to help the Barisan Nasional federal government “tackle raging racial, religious and economic issues” is not only a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak but marks a new stage in the conspiracy and plot by reactionary anti-democratic forces in UMNO and Barisan Nasional government for a putsch.

Recent signs and developments that the plot and conspiracy of the reactionary anti-democratic forces in UMNO and Barisan Nasional government for a putsch, whose objective seems to be still fluid ranging from a minimum programme for a halt and change of the various transformation programmes launched under the Najib administration regardless of the extent of their implementation to a maximum programme for a change of Prime Minister, include the following:

*Growing disenchantment of the public at the lack of leadership and direction by the Prime Minister, who seemed to have lacked the political will and vision to end the spate of highly divisive racial and religious issues in the country;

*The escalation of a campaign to create a “hot-house” atmosphere of national instability and unrest caused by a slew of racial and religious controversies, the latest being the illegal and unconstitutional raid by Jais on the Bible Society of Malaysia;

*The demand for restoration of the Internal Security Act, first made by Mahathir himself but immediately supported by the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar who was prepared to hazard the charge of being insurbordinate to the Prime Minister and the fulsome support by the UMNO media, Utusan Malaysia; and

*Call for the return of Mahathir to be the “de facto” Prime Minister before the ultimate call for a new Prime Minister.

Zainuddin Maidin is testing the waters whether the country is prepared for a return of Mahathir to Putrajaya.

Malaysia does not need a return of Mahathir to Putrajaya or a resurrection of the past Mahathirish policies which have caused the loss of millions of the best and brightest talents from Malaysia who could have taken Malaysia to a higher and faster rate of economic development, even ensuring that Malaysia would have already become a high-income developed country as is the case with Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan which were more backward and underdeveloped than Malaysia in the early decades of Malaysia’s Independence.

Mahathir and Mahathirism must bear the greatest responsibility for Malaysia’s failure to fully exploit its natural and human resources, resulting in the lack of good governance; rampant corruption, cronyism and abuses of power; the destruction of institutional independence of the civil service and important bodies like the judiciary, the police, the anti-corruption agency, the Elections Commission; disregard for human rights and a catalogue of national ills in the 22-year premiership of Mahathir.

The return of Mahathir and Mahathirism will be the worst answer for the solution of Malaysia’s many problems, which stem from the lack of political will and vision to steer the country towards a new direction as a united, harmonious, just, democratic and competitive Malaysia.


19 Replies to “The Empire strikes back – the plot for a putsch by reactionary anti-democratic forces thickens with the call for a return of Dr M to Putrajaya”

  1. Is it a coincidence that all the sabre rattling, provocative religious actions, raising of racial and religious tensions happened after the UMNO GA when the chosen one lost in his bid for higher office in the UMNO heirachy? If Mahathir is back in the driving seat, his supporters or anointed ones will also be back in favour.

    1. or for that matter, anything that happens and is reported in seconds…but you as the leader has to think about all consequences…it is not only one or two or that few that you are dealing with …because humans interact all the time…some explicitly….some quietly

  2. Its a really bad idea but clearly the horde is restless and it won’t be long before the restlessness will turn into something more.

    All it will take for the last shoe to drop are the economic numbers. If they fall..

  3. Gosh!!!

    What’s that sound I hear coming from the backrooms of Putrajaya???

    Oooh, it’s the sound of knives being sharpen.

    And what’s that I see?

    Extra padding being sewn into the back of Najib’s Saville Row suit?


  4. If Malaysia needs Mahathirism, then Malaysians are a shameless lot, lacking in self-respect! If the IGP needs the ISA, he can’t see anything beyond his nose. Do we want to be a developed nation or do we want to be like the Banana Republics of yore?

  5. All Ah Forbid !!

    It will be back to the Dark, Dark Ages !!!

    Who will he shackle then ?

    Will he appoint Ibrahim Ali as his Deputy ?

    The current FLOM will blow her wig-top and how her claws and fangs !! She will scream till tomorrow, maybe go berserk or run amok when Mahathir sell the two super-duper jets and fly AA !!

    Lee Kuan Yew might also do the Same, Same.

  6. All Ah Forbid !!

    It will be back to the Dark, Dark Ages !!!

    Who will he shackle then ?

    Will he appoint Ibrahim Ali as his Deputy ?

    The current FLOM will blow her wig-top and show her claws and fangs !! She will scream till tomorrow, maybe go berserk or run amok when Mahathir sell the two super-duper jets and fly AA !!

    Lee Kuan Yew might also do the Same, Same.

  7. There seems to be an unwritten code of conduct among Ali Baba and his 40 Members that no one should dig up the past once he leaves the stage for the next bugger to exploit the national coffer! Hence no one is guilty in the PKFZ swindle! Nor Cow-gate, defense project with $13 million profit for failure to do anything! This is gonna be another Arab-like nation; come 2020! There will be no cure for this nation; unless more Nuruls, Rafizis and organizers of TURUN stand out to lead the Majority; essentially the Malays out of the Black-Hole which UMNOputra have created for the past 30 years! Should they have to work in Indonesia or Thailand by 2020; blame no one!

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