Farewell To 2013

by Teck Ying & Allan Goh

As we sing the Olde Lang Syne,
To history this year consign,
We thank fate, and Almighty,
For surviving our frailty.
To all friends and relatives,
A ‘Thank You’ superlative!
Forgive us our short-coming,
And uncalled for transgressing.

Yours is the inspiration
For this year’s exaltation.
Thank you for all the kindness,
That softens the year’s harshness.
To you a Happy New Year,
And everyone to you dear!
May 2014 be best
For your health and every quest.


3 Replies to “Farewell To 2013”

  1. If there is going to be a New year’s Party to rally against the price hikes, count on me and my friends going to the ball.

    Can’t afford the fuel, toll or taxi fare, so we would have to go by bus or LRT.
    Can’t afford the traditional New Year feast, so we will bring our own roti canai or nasi lemak for refreshment.
    Can’t afford the face masks in case the cops get trigger-happy, so we will just bring our kerchiefs and plastic bottles of plain water.

  2. Can’t afford anything expensive n luxurious?
    No problemo, just follow 忘本 Teapot, transform yourself, plagiarise, make some ultra-racist anti-nonMalay remarks, n JOIN Perkosa/UmnoB/BN – SURE can afford anything under d sun lor, including apartments in New York, London, Canada
    No beleive – just TRY what, what’s there 2 lose 1
    New year’s resolution mah 2 welcome in 2014, fattt lor

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