Cat out of the bag – Perkasa is the unofficial 14th member of the Barisan Nasional coalition with greater heft and more influence than “7-11” MCA and the other 12 BN component parties combined

The cat is out of the bag. The extremist and racist Perkasa is the unofficial 14th member of the Barisan Nasional coalition with greater heft and more influence than “7-11” MCA and the other 12 BN component parties combined.

We must thank the Perkasa President Ibrahim Ali for his hubris at the annual general meeting of Perkasa a week ago getting much too big for his shoes for this expose of this top Umno/BN secret for the past four years.

Clearly relishing the idea of being Prime Minister of Malaysia one day, Ibrahim toyed with the possibility of a political “reverse take-over” when he offered Perkasa as an alternative to UMNO, asserting that Perkasa is the “most structured political party in the country with 500,000 members”.

Claiming that Umno and BN will not be able to win in the recent general elections without Perkasa’s assistance, particularly in Perak and Kedah, Ibrahim said that although Perkasa supported BN during the last general election it is not guaranteed who it would side with in the future.

This prompted the riposte by UMNO veteran, former Minister and Negri Sembilan Mentri Besar and currently Felda Chairman Mohd Isa Abdul Samad who asked: “We protected Perkasa and it received plenty of benefits from us. How will it replace us?”

This led to the spilling of the beans that Perkasa had been receiving government funds with the Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali admitting receiving funds from government agencies such as the National Security Council (MKN), National Civic Bureau (BTN) and Special Affairs Department (Jasa) and the Selangor Perkasa chief Abdul Bakar Yahya saying these funds were intended to help BN in the 13th and 14th general elections.

The revelations about the secret government funding of Perkasa has raised numerous questions about the accountability, transparency, integrity and credibility of the Najib premiership as well as about his commitment and credentials as a moderate and to his 1Malaysia signature policy as Perkasa stands in total opposition to the 1Malaysia policy (with full backing from Perkasa advisor Tun Dr. Mahathir) with its strident and unashamed Ketuanan Melayu stance.

Malaysians are entitled to immediate information as to when the Najib administration started funding Perkasa, who was the person who authorised it, whether the former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir was responsible for the decision, whether apart from the National Security Council (MKN), the National Civics Department (BTN) and the Special Affairs Department (Jasa) there are other government agencies involved in funding Perkasa and the total amount of funds disbursed to Perkasa by each such government agency all these years.

Most important of all, whether Ministers and leaders from MCA and the other 12 BN component parties had given their approval for the secret government funding of Perkasa or whether they were kept completely in the dark about the BN/UMNO government’s secret funding of Perkasa.


10 Replies to “Cat out of the bag – Perkasa is the unofficial 14th member of the Barisan Nasional coalition with greater heft and more influence than “7-11” MCA and the other 12 BN component parties combined”

  1. Probably one of the worst kept secret of UMNO. No one is surprised by the revelation as they have suspected it all along. All pretension really was already thrown out the door when their leaders were contesting in GE-13 despite all logic.

    But the truth of the matter is those who still supported UMNO/BN just has no appreciation of why its so important. They don’t understand that it really means that UMNO/BN is a lie and to them first and foremost. At the core really is the poor understanding of separation of power and accountability for proper functioning. Why they tolerate corruption of their leaders, their abuse of power, decline in systems and institutions like education..

  2. ///Clearly relishing the idea of being Prime Minister of Malaysia one day, Ibrahim toyed with the possibility of a political “reverse take-over” when he offered Perkasa as an alternative to UMNO…///

    Najib and BN are trapped!

  3. Sometimes the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side. People who shut their eyes to reality simply invite their own destruction. For these people to see what is in front of their nose requires a constant struggle.

    IbrahimsonofAli is not one you would call ‘smart’; neither can you compare him to the ‘intelligence’ with that of a hamster. There are two sides of the same Ibrahim, neither of which speaks well for the country.

  4. R U SURE – Perkosa is d unofficial 14th member of BN?
    U must b joking n totally ignorant lor!
    Perkosa is NOT a kucing kurap member of BN
    Perkosa is d TAI KO of UmnoB n d puppeteer of UmnoB
    It pulls d strings n puppets like UmnoB kaki (n of cos BN kaki) dance 2 its tunes lah
    Dis is Y UmnoB/BN hv 2 pay TRIBUTE n HOMAGE 2 Perkosa
    Dis is Y d PM Office/Dept has SUCH an astronomical budget (tax payers’ $$) 2 finance ultra-racist n apartheid grps n activities

  5. UMNO/BN and Perkasa are now so arrogant that they can blatantly announce that it is receiving Govt. funding. It begs the question how is the Govt justifying the funding released to Perkasa when I have yet to see Perkasa doing anything that deserves receiving taxpayers’ money.

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