Ministers and police chiefs have done a great disservice to the nation trumpeting to the world about a “fairy tale” plot on New Year’s eve to “topple the government” as if Malaysia is a “basket case country” on the verge of political and economic collapse

Cabinet Ministers and police chiefs have done a great disservice to the nation in the past ten days trumpeting to the world about a “fairy tale” plot on New Year’s eve to “topple the government” as if Malaysia is a “basket case country” on the verge of political and economic collapse at any moment.

The whole “topple government” caper was started by of all persons the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar who should have shown greater professionalism and gravitas instead of shocking the country ten days ago with the flighty announcement that a planned gathering on New Year’s eve at Dataran Merdeka to “topple government” was “a national threat”, vowing action under the Penal Code and SOSMA – Security Offences (Special Measures) Act – and threatening that any person guilty of the offence of activity detrimental to parliamentary democracy can be jailed for a maximum of 15 years.

Even Cabinet Ministers like the Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek got into the act to present to the world the spectacle of Malaysia as a “basket case country”, although warning that the December 31 rally is “to divert the people’s attention from the lies spread by the opposition after failing to capture Putrajaya in the May 5 general election”.

Pakatan Rakyat parties of PKR, PAS and DAP are even accused by UMNO mass media and cybertroopers of masterminding the New Year’s eve “plot” to topple the Najib government. Continue reading “Ministers and police chiefs have done a great disservice to the nation trumpeting to the world about a “fairy tale” plot on New Year’s eve to “topple the government” as if Malaysia is a “basket case country” on the verge of political and economic collapse”

Agenda Lebuhraya PLUS: DAP sudah dedah sejak 1987


KUALA LUMPUR, 26 DISEMBER: Perjanjian kotor kerajaan demi mengkayakan kroni dalam pemberian kontrak projek Lebuhraya Utara Selatan (PLUS) 26 tahun lalu akhirnya terbukti menyusahkan rakyat.

Dalam risalah bertajuk ‘Skandal Lebuhraya Utara Selatan’ terbitan 1987, Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang pernah mendedahkan kemungkaran UMNO yang dilihat mempunyai kepentingan kepada saham konsesi lebuhraya itu, namun sehingga kini masih diam membisu.

Antara yang dipertikaikan beliau adalah peranan syarikat pelaburan UMNO iaitu Hati Budi Sdn Bhd yang menguasai United Engineers Malaysia (UEM) Bhd.

Hati Budi ketika itu dikaitkan dengan pimpinan tertinggi kerajaan iaitu Tun Daim Zainuddin (Menteri Kewangan ketika itu) dan Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

UEM merupakan syarikat utama mendapat kontrak pembinaan PLUS dengan tempoh konsesi daripada 1987-2017 yang akan mengutip tol berjumlah RM54 bilion dalam tempoh 30 tahun.
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Najib should intervene immediately to restore publication licence to The Heat before it becomes the tipping point to plunge Malaysia’s 2014 Press Freedom Index to the lowest point, even below that of Myanmar

Before the end of the year of 2013 in five days’ time, there is another pledge that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should honour – his pledge to make Malaysia the “best democracy in the world”.

Nobody whether in Malaysia or outside really believe Najib would transform Malaysia into the “best democracy in the world” but the least they expect Najib to do is not to backslide on his specific promise of democratic reforms.

The suspension of the weekly, The Heat, would be one such unacceptable instance of Najib reneging on his specific promise of democratic reforms to unshackle the press from authoritarian restrictions of the Mahathirish past.

In fact, Najib should be moving forward to repeal the Printing Presses and Publications Act altogether to remove the requirement for the licensing of publications.

The Home Ministry has claimed that Najib is not behind the suspension of The Heat and that the suspension is not related to the report in the weekly titled “All eyes on big spending PM Najib” published for the week of November 23-29.
Continue reading “Najib should intervene immediately to restore publication licence to The Heat before it becomes the tipping point to plunge Malaysia’s 2014 Press Freedom Index to the lowest point, even below that of Myanmar”