Show us your income tax returns, Najib

By Kee Thuan Chye

Dear Najib,

You have come out to call tax evaders traitors. That’s a very strong word. If you had used it on corrupt public officials and politicians, especially government ministers, that would have been more apt. It would have struck a resonant chord. It would also have indicated your seriousness in fighting corruption within your ranks.

As it is, according to your minister Paul Low, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) arrested nine politicians who were reported to be involved in corruption between 2010 and August 2013, and only five have been charged. That’s a pretty low number over the course of four years. The minister did not clarify who these politicians were, but one would presume that they were part of the ruling party.

It may well be that Malaysian politicians, including those holding public office, are generally clean, but the unofficial allegations that have been brought up from time to time tell us a hugely different story. You may be aware of them yourself – allegations about this minister living beyond his means, like building a palatial home, and that minister receiving kickbacks or laundering money for his so-called “adopted son”. And of course the biggie surrounding Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud and his relatives, some of whom were caught on video earlier this year by the international NGO Global Witness allegedly offering logging licences in return for profit.
Continue reading “Show us your income tax returns, Najib”

GE14 will be about PAS

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz| November 26, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

A progressive PAS can replace Umno and lead the Malays.


The only reason why Umno and its allies want the PAS ulamas to win all is because they know how easy it is to run circles around them.

Should PAS ever teamed up with Umno, all Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak will do is give PAS two cabinet posts and that’s the end of PAS.

It will be a repeat of what PAS went through when it joined Barisan Nasional a long time ago.

If PAS revere the foremost ulama, Tok Guru they will ensure that PAS never teams up with Umno. Tok Guru will never sanction PAS sleeping with Umno.

What use is teaming up with Umno? For what purpose? Continue reading “GE14 will be about PAS”

Sabah bishop reminds Najib of his assurance to shun extremism

by Desmond Davidson
The Malaysian Insider
November 26, 2013

Sabah Council of Churches president, Bishop Datuk Dr Thomas Tsen, today sent a barb message to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak saying that while he is “inspiring people across the world in the fight against extremism”, back in his own backyard, Malaysians are “experiencing extreme action against the church”.

In urging Najib to urgently rein in extremism, Tsen claimed “religious intolerance has reached a dangerous level”.

Tsen then reminded the prime minister when he first mooted the idea for building a “Global Movement of Moderates”, in his maiden speech at the 65th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York in September 2010, Najib called on all faiths to reclaim the agenda for peace and pragmatism, and to marginalise the extremists.

“We, therefore, call on him to restore the middle ground for religious tolerance and to respect the constitutional rights of non-Muslims to freedom of religion and the right to manage their own affairs,” Tsen said in a statement. Continue reading “Sabah bishop reminds Najib of his assurance to shun extremism”

Konvensyen DAP Negeri dalam tempoh beberapa minggu akan datang perlu menyampaikan satu mesej jelas kepada semua rakyat Malaysia –bahawa pemimpin DAP di peringkat negeri bersama-sama pemimpin DAP kebangsaan dan parti-parti Pakatan Rakyat akan menawan Putrajaya dalam PRU14 bagi mencapai Impian Malaysia

Selepas Kongres Khas DAP yang diadakan pada 29 September 2013 untuk memilih semula barisan pimpinan DAP kebangsaan, pemilihan agung Umno pada bulan Oktober, dan Muktamar PAS ke-59 minggu lalu yang telah berjaya mengadakan pemilihan untuk barisan pimpinan PAS bagi tempoh dua tahun ke depan, perhatian kini beralih semula kepada DAP.

Bermula hujung minggu ini, Konvensyen DAP Negeri akan memilih barisan pimpinan baru untuk DAP di peringkat negeri – dan selari dengan itu para konspirator Umno/BN telah mula bekerja lebih masa untuk memburuk-burukkan para pemimpin DAP dan berusaha memecah-belahkan parti ini dan juga Pakatan Rakyat secara umum.

Para konspirator Umno/BN menerusi media bercetak dan Internet telah gagal untuk menghancurkan Pakatan Rakyat dan parti-parti komponennya, iaitu DAP, PAS, dan PKR, sebelum, semasa, dan sepanjang setengah tahun selepas PRU13. Kesempatan yang baik ini perlu diambil oleh para perwakilan Konvensyen DAP Negeri yang akan diadakan sepanjang beberapa minggu akan datang untuk bersatu padu di belakang barisan pimpinan DAP kebangsaan bagi menyampaikan satu mesej yang jelas kepada Umno/Barisan Nasional dan juga semua rakyat Malaysia.

Mesej jelas yang perlu disampaikan ialah bahawa DAP di semua peringkat dalam negara berdiri teguh di belakang pemimpin DAP kebangsaan dan dua lagi rakan kongsi Pakatan Rakyat, iaitu PAS dan PKR, untuk menawan Putrajaya dalam PRU14 bagi mencapai Impian Malaysia – sebuah Malaysia untuk semua warga tanpa mengira latar kaum, agama, kelas, atau negeri; sebuah Malaysia yang di dalamnya demokrasi, tadbir urus, dan keadilan sosioekonomi berkembang dengan baik bagi membolehkan setiap warga Malaysia mencapai sepenuhnya potensi mereka demi kebaikan bersama semua rakyat dan demi keagungan negara.

Saya telah sebutkan kelmarin bahawa ketiga-tiga parti DAP, PAS, dan PKR telah mendapat faedah daripada kerjasama dalam Pakatan Rakyat.
Continue reading “Konvensyen DAP Negeri dalam tempoh beberapa minggu akan datang perlu menyampaikan satu mesej jelas kepada semua rakyat Malaysia –bahawa pemimpin DAP di peringkat negeri bersama-sama pemimpin DAP kebangsaan dan parti-parti Pakatan Rakyat akan menawan Putrajaya dalam PRU14 bagi mencapai Impian Malaysia”

Call on all DAP State Conventions in coming weeks to send out one clear message to Malaysians – one with DAP national leadership and Pakatan Rakyat parties to conquer Putrajaya in 14GE to achieve Malaysian Dream

After the DAP Special Congress on September 29, 2013 to re-elect the DAP national leadership, the UMNO national elections in October and the 59th PAS Muktamar last weekend to elect the PAS leadership for the next two years, the national focus for the coming weeks will be back on the DAP.

Beginning this weekend, most of the DAP State Conventions will be electing the new DAP State leaderships – and true to form, the Umno/BN plotters and conspirators are already working overtime to demonise the DAP leaders to cause maximum dissension, division and damage to the DAP in particular and Pakatan Rakyat in general.

But just as the UMNO/BN plotters and conspirators, through their media, printed and Internet, had failed in their sinister design to destroy Pakatan Rakyat and the component parties of DAP, PAS and PKR, whether before, during and in the half-year after the 13th General Elections, DAP delegates to the DAP State Conventions in the coming weeks must mobilise to rally behind the national DAP leadership to send out one clear and unmistakable message not only to Umno/Barisan Nasional but also to all Malaysians.

This clear and unmistakable message all DAP State Conventions in the coming weeks should send out to all Malaysians is that the DAP at all levels in the country are one with the DAP national leadership and the other Pakatan Rakyat partners, PAS and PKR, to conquer Putrajaya in the 14GE to achieve the Malaysian Dream – a Malaysia for all Malaysians regardless of race, religion, class or region where democracy, good governance and socio-economic justice could flourish to allow every Malaysian to achieve his or her fullest potential for the collective good and greatness of the nation.
Continue reading “Call on all DAP State Conventions in coming weeks to send out one clear message to Malaysians – one with DAP national leadership and Pakatan Rakyat parties to conquer Putrajaya in 14GE to achieve Malaysian Dream”

PAS sudah sedia mengambil alih tempat UMNO

Oleh Sakmongkol AK47

PAS sekarang ada pasukan yang boleh menggantikan UMNO. Inilah yang sangat digeruni oleh UMNO dan sekutu2 media nya. berapa banyak akhbar arus perdana yang berkempen untuk golongan ulama? Termasuk yang saya sebut jezebel seorang pemberita dari akhbar STAR?

Utusan Malaysia apatah lagi- berkempen seolah olah mereka sukakan golongan ulama. Sejak bila UMNO yang tidak ada roh agama sukakan ulama? Mereka tidak suka tapi jika kumpulan ini menang dan mendominasi PAS mereka yakin dapat menundukkan PAS. Senanglah puak UMNO mengampungkan PAS dan menggambarkan para ustaz sebagai golongan kuno. UMNO dan sekutu mereka tidak mahukan barisan pimpinan yang streetsmart dan boleh membaca gerak geri UMNO.

Saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada jemaah pimpinan PAS yang semua nya disatukan oleh agenda politik PAS. Tidak ada belahan dalam misi perjuangan. Tidak ada ulama dan bukan ulama dan tidak syiah, sunni atau sebagainya.

Akhbar2 arus perdana milik BN semua nya menggambarkan pertandingan didalam PAS sekarang sebagai seolah2 pertandingan dan pertembungan antara golongan yang mahukan Islam dan golongan yang tidak mahukan Islam. Sepanjang masa penulis dari Star, Bernama, Utusan Malaysia. bahkan mereka yang sudah keluar dari Jemaah PAS sendiri menyokong puak ulama. Hassan Ali bukan seorang ulamak tapi menyokong golongan ulamak semata mata mahu membalas dendam keatas golongan bukan ulamak dalam PAS yang dia gagal menjadi ahli yang baik. Hassan Ali hanya seorang pakar motivasi yang boleh menangis semasa berceramah. Itu sahaja.
Continue reading “PAS sudah sedia mengambil alih tempat UMNO”

Facebook loses sparkle as Malaysian youth embrace messenger apps

by Boo Su-Lyn
The Malaysian Insider
November 26, 2013

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 26 — Fara Halina Rosli updates her Facebook status only once every three days, but the 24-year-old chambering student uses other messaging apps daily to text, and share photographs/cute digital stickers.

Social media analysts say that chat apps like WhatsApp, WeChat, LINE and KakaoTalk are cutting into the social networking giant’s youth customer base in Malaysia, where the entire Facebook population numbers about 13 million.

“Chat apps offer a higher level of privacy versus Facebook or Twitter,” Jagdish Singh Malhi, social media director at global media company Universal McCann, told The Malay Mail Online in a recent email interview.

“Although you can set your privacy level, once you’re friends with a parent, relative or minder, then your personal space is somewhat constricted… In fact, the fastest growing age group on Facebook are the boomers and one of my clients even had her grandma win an iPhone in a Facebook campaign!,” he added.

Facebook admitted last month that its usage among teenagers was dropping, with American business magazine Forbes quoting its chief financial officer David Ebersman saying that the site is witnessing a “decrease in daily users, specifically among younger teens.” Continue reading “Facebook loses sparkle as Malaysian youth embrace messenger apps”