David Cameron says Sri Lanka need to go ‘further and faster’ in answering human rights concerns

The Telegraph
16 Nov 2013

David Cameron put Sri Lanka on notice on Saturday to address allegations of war crimes within months or else he would lead a push for action at the United Nations.

Speaking at a troubled Commonwealth summit in Colombo, the British Prime Minister warned his hosts that pressure over alleged abuses at the end of Sri Lanka’s ethnic conflict was not about to go away.

He also told of how he had “frank” exchanges with Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa after he returned from a historic visit to the war-torn Jaffna region.

“The Sri Lankan government needs to go further and faster on human rights and reconciliation,” Cameron told a press conference.

“I accept it takes time but I think the important thing is to get on the right track.


One Reply to “David Cameron says Sri Lanka need to go ‘further and faster’ in answering human rights concerns”

  1. David Cameron,kindly monitor the situation in Bolehland also before our fanatic militant Perkasa make a mess like Sri Lanka.Day in day out baying for non-Malays blood and shouting ketuanan Malay supremacy beside suprresing the other minority community rights but our headless Prime Minister has no guts to contain the escalating ethnic conflict caused by this extremist group.Moderation espouse by our Prime Minister is just for show.Your urgent monitoring of the situation here will be appreciated.Thank you ya.

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