Racial extremism bad for economy, warns ex-diplomat

Lawrence Yong
Nov 7, 2013

Malaysia will lose its competitive economic edge if its politics continue to cater to racial and religious extremes, a former senior diplomat warned today.

Razali Ismail, who was a diplomat for 35 years before retiring in 1998, warned that although polemics – the practise of one-sided political arguments – was inescapable in multi-racial, multi-religious Malaysia, it must not translate into a welfare state.

“If you just want to be a backwater country somewhere, that’s a different story.

“But we are in a strategic position (for economic growth) …all the differences between us have to be worked out,” Razali said at the Prime Lecture on Culture 2013, where he was invited to speak on “polemical politics” by the Tourism and Culture Ministry.

To emphasise his point, Razali cited that Malaysia’s rivals, such as Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia, already woke up to global realities and are well on their way to fortifying their own economies to attract foreign investments.

During his years as a diplomat, including as ambasadors to several European counctries, he saw almost all countries he served in as seeing Malaysia as a stable country.

However, Razali added, his international friends have of late started to question the divisive goings-on in the country. Continue reading “Racial extremism bad for economy, warns ex-diplomat”

Why did Norazita die?

– Liew Chin Tong
The Malaysian Insider
November 07, 2013

The murder robbery of Norazita Abu Talib shocked the nation. She was brutally shot in the face by a security guard who was said to possess a fake identity card. The senseless death of the Ambank officer late last month has opened yet another can of worms pertaining to our worsening crime situation.

Why did Norazita have to die like that? Let me be blunt here; yes, we can blame Umno leadership – for refusing to reform the police and for allowing cronies to run security firms.

There’s no need to cringe or get upset. Please bear with me. The facts are all there. Continue reading “Why did Norazita die?”

Business confidence in local economy dropping, survey shows

The Malaysian Insider
November 07, 2013

Business confidence in Malaysia plummeted in the third quarter of this year as the post-election boost has vanished, according to the Global Economic Condition Survey.

In a statement issued today, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) said the survey revealed that 65% of the respondents believed conditions in the Malaysian economy were stagnating in the third quarter of this year.

This is an increase from the 55% of respondents who felt business conditions in Malaysia were deteriorating or stagnating in the second quarter of the year. Only 13% of businesses reported confidence gains in the third quarter, down from 28% in the second quarter. Continue reading “Business confidence in local economy dropping, survey shows”

Laugh, Perkasa, and Be Effing Happy!

By Kee Thuan Chye
Yahoo! News

The disclaimer at the beginning of the show tells it all: “This programme is intended for immature audiences only. This programme is NOT intended for educational purposes, merely to stimulate FUN. If you are easily offended, mudah tersinggung or terkeliru, probably best to close the window right now.”

This is That Effing Show, described by its producers as “a satirical news show that laughs, pokes fun and points out the (often) obvious and not-so-obvious absurdities of Malaysian socio-political life”. Created by a bunch of clever, creative and concerned young people, it has been coming out regularly on the web TV network PopTeeVee since 2010.

By its own description, the show is a parody of Malaysian life, done in good humour, which means it is not to be taken seriously. Those who are easily offended or confused are warned not to watch it. This being clear, the show should therefore not expect any complaints against it except aesthetic ones – like perhaps it failed to generate fun or to entertain, or that the technical production was sub-standard, or that its actors performed badly.

Perkasa, however, is taking it very seriously. The Malay rights organisation has taken exception particularly to the series’ recent segment, ‘That Effing Show #95: Allah, Apa Lagi?’, and its complaint is not on aesthetic grounds. Perkasa has even made not just one but nine police reports against it! Continue reading “Laugh, Perkasa, and Be Effing Happy!”

Jaga-jaga, ada usaha untuk hancurkan kesepaduan Pakatan Rakyat. Karpal tidak menyeru supaya batalkan pendaftaran PAS.

Semua orang mesti berjaga-jaga memandangkan ada pihak yang sedang cuba merosakkan kesepaduan Pakatan Rakyat.

Terbaru ialah dakwaan bahawa Pengerusi Kebangsaan DAP merangkap Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelurgor, Karpal Singh mahu pendaftaran PAS dibatalkan.

Saya telah bercakap dengan Karpal dan beliau telah menjelaskan bahawa beliau tidak langsung menyeru supaya pendaftaran PAS dibatalkan.

Beliau mengkritik Persatuan Peguam Persatuan Peguam Peguam Muslim Malaysia (PPMM) kerana mengugut Majlis Peguam lantaran sokongan yang diberikan badan tersebut terhadap akhbar mingguan Katolik, Herald; sambil menekankan bahawa demi kepentingan perpaduan nasional, badan-badan politik atau preofesional tidak wajar beroperasi dalam kerangka perkauman atau keagamaan.

Rakyat Malaysia yang rasional dan patriotik kian bertambah runsing dengan melonjaknya kadar retorika perkauman, kurangnya toleransi agama serta kebencian di negara ini. Kerisauan sebegini tidak wajar dibiar terpinggir dan diputarbelitkan dengan dakwaan-dakwaan tidak berasas kononnya Karpal mahu PAS dibatalkan pendaftarannya.
Continue reading “Jaga-jaga, ada usaha untuk hancurkan kesepaduan Pakatan Rakyat. Karpal tidak menyeru supaya batalkan pendaftaran PAS.”