Tweets on Sg Limau by-election


Nov 04, 6:05pm
85.5 per cent voter turnout in Sg Limau (23,249 voters) Sg Limau: Polling centres closed, high voter turnout (FMT)

Nov 04, 7:57pm
Latest report: PAS has won hard-fought Sungai Limau. Zairil said Counting Centre full of PR/PAS ppl with none from BN. Best indication

Nov 04, 8:04pm
Indications are PAS has won with reduced majority but more than the 500-vote majority Mahfuz had estimated. Significant victory nonetheless.

Nov 04, 8:17pm
Unofficial 1,201-vote PAS majority in Sungai Limau by-election

Nov 04, 8:32pm
Final off majority may be slightly less. Congrats 2all PAS/PR leaders 4the victory, in particular Hadi/Sabu/Mahfuz/Hatta n new SA Mohd Azam

Nov 04, 8:55pm
Zairil reports official results of Sungai Limau by-election – PAS wins with 1,084 majority. PAS secures 12,069 votes. BN gets 10,985 votes.

Nov 04, 9:03pm
Phoned Mahfuz 2congratulate PAS 4significant PR victory in Sg Limau by-election. Must be 1st PAS by-election win hailed by all races in Msia

Nov 04, 9:07pm
PAS/PR victory agnst might of BN Fed/State govt machinery n money politics great inspiration 4″From Sg Limau to Putrajaya” campaign in 14GE

Nov 04, 9:16pm
But person who suffered greatest blow in by-election is none other than Dr Mahathir – 3rd setback in 6 mths after 13GE and UMNO party polls.


9 Replies to “Tweets on Sg Limau by-election”

  1. It also shows that the Malay majority knows BN is playing up the Allah, race and religion issues. If not, they would not be voting for PR.

    The other half of the Malays are still in slumberland listening to BN’s lullabies.

  2. When Ronald Reagan power declined and he left the stage, what happened was the rise of the neo-cons and then the Tea Party.

    Similarly, Mahathir’s influence clearly on the decline but it does not mean that Mahathirism is. Will not be surprise that in the next GE, it will be Perkasaism that will take over i.e., Mahathrism rebranded and EVEN more radicalized.

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