Let all Malaysians be inspired and united by the Deepavali message to ensure triumph of light over darkness and the victory of moderation and tolerance over extremism and intolerance

Deepavali Message

Happy Deepavali to Malaysian Indians in particular and Malaysians in general.

The Deepavali message of light over darkness and the triumph of truth, freedom and justice over all forms of corruption, discrimination and exploitation have never been so relevant and pertinent in Malaysian national life than in post-13th general elections.

Let all Malaysians be inspired and united by the Deepavali message to ensure the triumph of light over darkness in all spheres of national life and the victory of moderation and tolerance over extremism and intolerance in multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural Malaysia.

Malaysians must always be vigilant to foster moderation and tolerance in our plural society and never cede ground to the lunatic fringe of extremism and intolerance especially in their attempt to camouflage themselves as the new voice and exponent of moderation in the country.


5 Replies to “Let all Malaysians be inspired and united by the Deepavali message to ensure triumph of light over darkness and the victory of moderation and tolerance over extremism and intolerance”

  1. ‘so relevant and pertinent in Malaysian national life than in post-13th general elections.’

    Sincerity is the virtue of one who speaks truly about his or her own feelings, . Sincere wishes from the heart …… without any political agenda is more meaningful and substantial …..

    Happy Deepavali to all Malaysians…

    Let us remind ourselves how lucky we are as Malaysians and how fortunate we are to have other Malaysians from all walks of life at our side working toward a stronger, more peaceful tomorrow…..

  2. Ada sebut tak Hari Depavali pada anak Kutty dari Kerala,sateyman apanama ur favourite ayahanda di ‘Bolehland’.Esok takde open house for all u guys,group ‘bum’ from bumno ke ? Mana tau muruku,mutton recepi Kerala campur Bumno masakan paling hot items.sorry curious..boleh share tak ? sincere wish from tak tahan to u guys…

  3. We do need light. I can’t believe it escape everyone that Najib told Christian Amanpour that he had to respect the court’s decision on the Allah issue when all the courts did was said that the govt had the right to ban the word i.e. its up to Najib.

    Christian Amanpour did not call him out on his excuses and we did not notice she did not!!!

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