Let all Malaysians be inspired and united by the Deepavali message to ensure triumph of light over darkness and the victory of moderation and tolerance over extremism and intolerance

Deepavali Message

Happy Deepavali to Malaysian Indians in particular and Malaysians in general.

The Deepavali message of light over darkness and the triumph of truth, freedom and justice over all forms of corruption, discrimination and exploitation have never been so relevant and pertinent in Malaysian national life than in post-13th general elections.

Let all Malaysians be inspired and united by the Deepavali message to ensure the triumph of light over darkness in all spheres of national life and the victory of moderation and tolerance over extremism and intolerance in multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural Malaysia. Continue reading “Let all Malaysians be inspired and united by the Deepavali message to ensure triumph of light over darkness and the victory of moderation and tolerance over extremism and intolerance”

Will Muhyiddin allocate RM480 million to the two SRJK© Kuo Kuang1 and 2 in Gelang Patah based on his promise in Sg Limau by-election?

In the Sungai Limau by-election, Deputy Prime Minister-cum-Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced allocation of RM1 million for SRJK © Aik Min, RM1 million for SRJK© Yuk Meng in Sungai Limau and RM50,000 for SRJK (C) Pek Hwa.

SRJK © Aik Min has 15 students in five classes, i.e:

Std. 1 – 2 pupils
Std. 2 – 2 pupils
Std. 3 – 5 pupils
Std. 4 – 3 pupils
Std. 5 – no pupils
Std. 6 – 3 pupils
Total – 15 pupils

SRJK © Yuk Meng in Sungai Limau has 41 students in six classes, viz:

Std. 1 – 1 pupil
Std. 2 – 5 pupils
Std. 3 – 10 pupils
Std. 4 – 4 pupils
Std. 5 – 12 pupils
Std. 6 – 9 pupils
Total – 41 pupils Continue reading “Will Muhyiddin allocate RM480 million to the two SRJK© Kuo Kuang1 and 2 in Gelang Patah based on his promise in Sg Limau by-election?”