Duo message of 2014 Budget – Malaysia continues to be land of “heinous crime without criminals” and Ministers enjoy immunity and impunity for Ministerial dereliction of duties

A few hours before the Prime Minister cum Finance Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak presented his 2014 Budget in Parliament announcing the regressive and controversial 6% Goods and Services Tax (GST) from April 2015, the Kuala Lumpur High Court acquitted and discharged former MCA President and Transport Minister Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik for cheating the government over the multi-billion ringgit Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) project scandal.

Without going into the details of the case against Liong Sik, the Kuala Lumpur High Court decision carries two messages which have a direct bearing on the 2014 Budget, Najib’s National Transformation Plan and the future direction of the Malaysian nation and economy, viz:

• Malaysia continues to be a land of “heinous crimes without criminals”, with Malaysians victimized by mega corruption and scandals which neither the government nor the anti-corruption agency, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), could do anything to combat when confronted with “grand corruption” involving “big sharks” instead of “ikan bilis” in the Malaysian corruption waters; and

• Cabinet Ministers are now given a blank cheque to enjoy immunity and impunity for whatever dereliction of duties in the course of official duties, including up to Cabinet level.

The term “heinous crime without criminals” was made famous 30 years ago in the RM2.5 billion Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF) scandal – the first mega-scandal in Malaysian history – as though the Prime Minister at the time, Tun Dr. Mahathir conceded the RM2.5 billion BMF scandal was a “heinous crime”, there were no criminals, as no one was charged whether in the criminal or civil courts.

In the past three decades, the sordid phenomenon of “heinous crime without criminals” have worsened by leaps and bounds, with each mega scandal exceeding previous one not only in scale and costs but in immunity and impunity of the perpetrators – and the latest being the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal.

But most shocking of all is the decision of the Kuala Lumpur High Court yesterday that the former Transport Minister cannot be held accountable for any mistakes, misleading information or inaccuracies in the preparation of the ministry’s documents on the PKFZ land acquisition as he was not the ministry’s ‘numero uno’ (number one) but only “the transporter”.

The judge, Justice Ahmadi Asnawi said: “If any, the blame should be apportioned wholly and squarely upon the officers of the Transport Ministry who drafted and prepared the same.”

Isn’t this as good as a “blank cheque” for all Ministers that they enjoy immunity and impunity for whatever dereliction of duties in the course of official duties, including up to Cabinet level?

Is this the end of the road in the quest to hold the person or persons responsible for the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?

In September 2009, Najib announced the setting up of a “Super Task Force” on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal, headed by then Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan.

What has happened to this PKFZ “Super Task Force” as in the past four years Najib has not released even an iota of news with regard to the activities and findings (if any) of this Super Task Force.

Has the present Chief Secretary Tan Sri Dr. Ali Hamsa taken over this PKFZ “Super Task Force” or has it closed shop and gone defunct?

If the Prime Minister could say nothing about the PKFZ “Super Task Force” although headed by the Chief Secretary, Malaysians cannot have much confidence in the high-level Chief Secretary’s Special Committee on the 2012 Auditor-General’s Report which Najib mentioned in his 2014 Budget.

Over to Najib to break another item of his long list of “elegant silences” as to the outcome of efforts to bring those responsible for the massive PKFZ scandal to account and justice – or is this another example of the failures of Najib’s Government Transformation Programme’s Corruption NKRA to eradicate “grand corruption”?


36 Replies to “Duo message of 2014 Budget – Malaysia continues to be land of “heinous crime without criminals” and Ministers enjoy immunity and impunity for Ministerial dereliction of duties”

  1. From day one PKFZ was a monster cultivated by BN to squeeze the dollar and sens from the tax payers to feed the cronies. The script has been well draft and perform and act to perfection until today no more is liable any wrong doing. You want to say what you want to say BN business go on as usual. Stay tune for more excited show on earth to come. Mean time just slap you with GST. No worry only if you live beyond 17 months other wise forget about GST

  2. ///Ministers enjoy immunity and impunity for Ministerial dereliction of duties…///

    That is why everybody rushed to be elected at the just concluded Umno polls – you can be a high pay minister without having to worry whether you can discharge your duties or not.

  3. Mahathirist idea of these cases are acceptable because there is always corruption anywhere and how else are the Malays going to have their Kuoks and Li Ka Shing otherwise. Why not the Mahathirs/Syed Mokthar and Daim etc if that is so?

    The truth is these corruption robs the average and lower income of their potential especially the Malays. When 1% of the Malays own 50% or more of their community wealth largely from corruption/abuse of power, it means that 99% of the people have to share the rest of the 50% very future gain spread over much more people. In a world that the average and poor are increasingly more marginalized from opportunities compared to the rich and wealthy, when the rich just not playing their responsibility to create new wealth and opportunities, but rather rob from the public mandate, it robs EVEN MORE than just the future 50% of potential of the future, again spread over 99% of the people.

    There acts are close to economic genocide of the people. They are not in fact highly harmful..

  4. All the billions gone and nobody is guilty. This is one farked up government we have. No I did not vote for them. I have zero respect for all those sh1theads with no dignity and honor. May their sons and daughters pay ten-fold for what their fathers have stolen.

  5. PKFZ was a JV between UMNO and MCA, so how can anyone from these dens be caught or found guilty ? It would have been easy to follow the money trail, but then we all know where the money ends up.

  6. Mr Lim,

    I sincerely hope that the leadership group in Pakatan is already beginning the preliminaries to the many many issues which must be resolved before GE 14.

    Seat allocations, team building, development of upcoming young leaders to assume ministerial roles, and not to forget PSM. The list goes on and on.

    We MUST stop BN.

  7. Always lah ministers n ex-ministers r immune 2 prosecution (except when they challenge d boss)
    Now Gerakan kaki rushing 2 accept cabinet posts 2 enjoy kaya raya, even though crumbs

    Duo message of 2014 Budget – fr Ah/CheatKor: Hv more seks since consuming less sugar, go forth n breed more than rabbits; fr moo hee dim: No more or less no limbs humans in 1M’sia, cos less sugar will b consumed

  8. ///In September 2009, Najib announced the setting up of a “Super Task Force” on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal, headed by then Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan.

    What has happened to this PKFZ “Super Task Force” as in the past four years Najib has not released even///–Kit

    The term super means that the committee is unlike others, and it is not answerable to anyone. That is Najib’s contribution to the art of how to stop people questioning government actions.

  9. Now some Gerakan kaki blamed UmnoB 4 Gerakan’s poor performance in d last GE n wanted Gerakan 2 b out of BN
    Ha, ha – betul kah? UmnoB most likely will tell Gerakan: Pls just Fark Off, good riddance

  10. Sarawakians n Sabahans who voted 4 UmnoB/BN in d last GE, serve them right!
    Rakyat in peninsular M’sia who voted 4 UmnoB/BN in d last GE, serve them right too!
    Esp Christians, now illegal 2 use Ah Lah n going 2 pay more n more 4 basic items (don’t talk abt luxury items first)
    D price 2 pay 4 dealing with d devils when they sold their souls 4 a few $$, 4 a bag of rice, 4 a pair of gl@sses, etc

  11. For a leader or institution to stay in power they have to do one or a combination of three things. They are strong and lead by example or failing that, they bribe their supporters or team members or allows them to profiteer at will while affording them protection.

    We can see clearly all these being practised here. Many of the controversial or massive corruption court cases coincidentally seems to be brought up just before a major election. Maybe these were to appease an angry public. And invariably these cases would be conveniently concluded once the election is over and those charged will be found not guilty. How convenient!!

  12. Well, well, well.
    Let’s get one thing straight.
    UMNO/BN has governed this country since Independence fifty-six years ago.
    At least two generations have grown up knowing no other government but this government.
    Initially, when the first prime minister, the much revered Tungku Abdul Rahman was elected to lead this country, he formed a government with all the right attributes.
    Like being people centric, sincere, racially and religiously harmonous etc.
    But along the way, malevolent elements musle in to make this country what it is today.
    A complete reversal of the Tungku’s good intentions.
    Where duplicity, corruption, scams, scandals, racial and religious discord are the order of the day.
    They even have traitors in their midst who gave away citizenship for votes!
    Now, even non-issues have become serious issues due to the racial and religious conflagration created and fanned by the ruling party to promote their evil interests.
    And in a very resource rich country, we now have a National Debt of at least a few hundred billion Ringgit and still rising!
    When such a huge debt is seen against the background of the vast and varied natural resources of this country, it’s really mind blowing why we should be having such a gigantic National Debt!!
    We should be having a super massive National Reserve instead!!!!
    Don’t forget that this debt must be paid for!!
    So, now with their places secured, they are going to impose all types of taxes and removal of subsidies.
    Each general election, massive amounts of taxpayers’ hard-earned money is also being squandered to garner votes for the ruling party so that they can propagate their wanton ways.
    The needs of the country and its people are completely ignored because it has never been the purpose of these misfits to look after their interests.
    This only beggars the country and its people.
    So much so that many have become the so-called Cybertroopers of the ruling party for a few peanuts!!
    These so-called cybertroopers are completely lacking in conscience and is the product of an education system that makes the ruling party the demi-god of the country; one that all Malaysians are supposed to be worshipping.
    Malaysians must now make it their mission in life to kick these corrupted and scandalous scoundrels out of Putrajaya without the slightest delay.

  13. As expected, Perkosa hentam Gerakan n MIC’s pretend 2 b hero Kam Lan
    As expected, Gerakan’s new boss, a die hard UmnoB’s mah chai, announced his pak si boh chow eternal love n bonding 2 UmnoB, so lovely

  14. Spend less, spend wisely, make every dollar of your spending count. Keep for the future. and not to worry, as our government continues on its journey of self-destruction, all we have to do is wait with our savings and investments. We do not even have to campaign. By the next GE bye-bye BUMNO/UMNO Baru/UMNOB-BN. A new Malaysia for ALL Malaysians…

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