Happy One Tree Day!

Sep 24, 2013

I do not understand the obsession with race and race-based policies in Malaysia. It has already been scientifically proven that everyone alive today on earth share the same ancestors who left Africa around 60,000-80,000 years ago. For the scientific proof, see National Geographic’s The Genographic Project

The scientific fact is, all humans alive today share a common African ancestor. Yes, this means we Malaysians are all genetically-related cousins. Humans may have developed a diverse range of cultures, civilizations, and languages over the centuries but it doesn’t change the fact that there is only 1HUMANRACE.

Think about it: When we humans get cut, we all bleed red. Doctors will tell you that when you compare the internal organs of two people from two so-called ‘different races’, you really can’t tell which internal organ came from which ‘race’–they function and look the same. Cosmetic differences like skin colour are nothing more than natural adaptations to climate and other environmental factors–just google ‘melanin’ to learn more about skin colour.

The truth is, ‘race’ is nothing more than a false mental construct that the political class use to coerce, terrorize, and oppress the masses, so that they can remain in control. But you already knew that.

This brings me to my next point: May 13, 1969. Continue reading “Happy One Tree Day!”

Beep beep here comes the roadrunner!

– Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
September 24, 2013

Najib has launched the Bumiputera economic empowerment Plan. BEEP. It has come to this now. Twittering, face booking, blogging, whats-apping and now beep-ing the country. Najib will be beep-ing the Malays so that they can take their rightful place in our country. After NEPing the country, Malay equity stands around 23%? Does ownership of this 23% mean anything to the ordinary Malays who have the face the daily grind of life?

Many of us know exactly what the BEEP means. It means a license to pillage and plunder in the name of king, religion and country. The Malay elite salivate at the prospects of carving out wealth earning resources.

23% is owned by GLCs, the Malay elite, the privileged and the Malay monied class. This BEEP is going to turn into another excuse to justify the rape and plunder. After raping the girl repeatedly, the rapist presents her with a bunch of flowers. This is exactly what the BEEP announced by Najib represents, the presentation of a bunch of flowers after the raping the Malay lady over and over again.

If you can’t dazzle people with your brilliance, confound them with your bullshit.

There are almost 10 million Malays living with a monthly income of RM1500. Why these people aren’t directly aided? Why do we arrogate ourselves the authority and omniscience to even claim we know what is best for the Malays? The ordinary Malay knows he wants to get out of poverty and destitution if only he has the means to. So why don’t we give them the means to? The problems of the present lot of 10 million people must be tackled immediately. Continue reading “Beep beep here comes the roadrunner!”

Registrar of Societies disregarding the law, says DAP

by Diyana Ibrahim
The Malaysian Insider
September 24, 2013

DAP has criticised the Registrar of Societies (RoS) for accusing the party of not conducting its central executive committee re-election according to party constitution.

DAP’s legal head Gobind Singh Deo said RoS director-general Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman Abdul Rahman had repeatedly accused the party of wrongdoings before hearing explanations given by party leaders.

“Abdul Rahman should know. If there are complaints, he needs to inform us and ask for an explanation before making a decision,” DAP’s legal head Gobind Singh Deo said in a statement today.

“This raises questions because I would like to know if he follows this procedure. If not, why? And what is his power to make decisions in such a manner?” he added. Continue reading “Registrar of Societies disregarding the law, says DAP”

Chin Peng has the last laugh

Mariam Mokhtar
Sep 23, 2013

The Malaysian government intended to deliver a humiliating blow and final insult to Chin Peng, the late former secretary-general of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM), by denying his dying wish.

Despite the sabre rattling by premier Najib Abdul Razak and extremist groups like Perkasa, it is Chin Peng who has won the psychological battle and more importantly, is having the last laugh from beyond the grave, leaving Najib with egg on his face.

Najib may wish to diminish Chin Peng’s role in our history, perhaps even airbrush him out of the struggle for Independence, but the irony is that his death on Sept 16, will mean that the Malaysia Day celebrations, will now also commemorate Chin Peng’s memory. Continue reading “Chin Peng has the last laugh”