First day back, Kit Siang targets new Bumi agenda, says only for Umnoputras

by Jennifer Gomez
The Malaysian Insider
September 23, 2013

DAP national adviser Lim Kit Siang fired the first salvo when Parliament’s new session began today, saying that the government transformation programmes had failed and that the new Bumiputera agenda went against the grain of the New Economic Model which hinged on merit and not based on race.

He said this after Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Razali Ibrahim responded to a question from Lenggong Member of Parliament Datuk Shamsul Anuar Nasarah to state the achievements of the transformation programmes.

Lim pointed out that the new Bumiputera agenda only benefitted a select few “Umnoputras” when there were many other Bumiputeras and non-Bumis who lived below the poverty line and needed government assistance.

“Isn’t this evidence that the government programmes have failed?” Lim, the Gelang Patah MP, asked.

He questioned whether Umno leaders were willing to pledge that they were Malaysian first and Malay second.

Razali replied that Lim just wanted to see the transformation programmes fail, adding that they were not about politics but helping the needy.

– September 23, 2013.


6 Replies to “First day back, Kit Siang targets new Bumi agenda, says only for Umnoputras”

  1. The current Parliament session is just a couple of hours old and already there are already contradictions and doubts raised as to what is going on in the government.

    1. Zahid Hamidi, the Home Minister, has put his foot in his mouth (again) when he said that the crime situation is under control contradicting what he had said earlier of the rising crime rate and the need for the Emergency Ordinance. This just shows that this man is unbalanced and confused and that we should all fear him as possibly one of UMNO’s future generation leaders to lead the country.

    2. Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Razali Ibrahim said this in Parliament:

    “Malay Bumiputeras make up 68% of the population but only have about 40% equity stake. For the sake of stability, the government needs to help them increase this equity and we hope to achieve this through the Bumiputera agenda”.

    This raises several questions:

    Firstly, if the Prime Minister’s Department (no less) authoritatively say that the Bumiputera community already owns 40% of the country’s equity, then hasn’t this exceeded the 30% target that has been aimed at and not the low 22% that the government has always been complaining about ? So which figure is correct? What is the computational methodology? Is the percentage a rubber percentage? Has the ‘low’ 22% complained about a fat lie all this while?

    Secondly, If the Bumiputera community owns 40% of the country’s equity, the government is indirectly saying that the non-Bumiputeras own 60% and this is not fair (to the former). But the government easily forgets that foreign investors have a very big chunk of the country’s equity having invested hundreds of billions into the country, and possibly own as high as 40% possibly higher. So what percentage then does the non-Bumiputera citizens own of the country’s equity? Come on, let us have some hard, reliable, verifiable statistics.

    Thirdly, if Bumiputeras own 40% of the country’s equity, how much taxes do they pay to the government as compared to the non-Bumiputras and foreigner investors?

    Fourthly, if Bumiputeras own 40% of the country’s equity, how much of this is owned by the Malays and how much by other Bumiputeras?

    Fifthly, how well and equitably has this 40% stake been distributed among the community as has been raised by Kit today ?

  2. If I am not wrong, more than a decade ago, the then Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed put up a list of all Bumiputra (UMNO) members who received government contracts and listed the contracts and amounts they all received. This was put up at an UMNO general assembly I think.

    Can Najib and the government put up an updated list?

  3. 40% equity? The target was only 30%. So the NEP is already exceeded its target???? Is this a Freudian slip??? What the hell is EVERYTHING being done by UMNO/Perkasa/Mahathirist etc etc all about?

    The bottom line really is for pretty much non-UMNOputras and some BNputras, they will ALWAYS be left behind – WAY BEHIND everyone else if they keep doing what they do..

  4. /// Razali replied that Lim just wanted to see the transformation programmes fail, adding that they were not about politics but helping the needy.

    Can the Deputy Minister Datuk Razali Ibrahim tells us what happened to the RM54 billion in shares allocated by the Government to the Bumiputras of which only RM2 billion are left has gone to? Weren’t this supposed to help the needy just as well?

    And how much of the 30 billion windfalls from Najib’s new bumiputera agenda would landed up in the hands of those kampong folks who voted for UMNO?

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