What more does RoS want?

by Teresa Kok
Sep 20, 2013

Yesterday (Sept 19), a RoS ( Registrar of Societies) spokesman was reported in The Star as saying that DAP has failed to deliver to the Registrar of Societies (ROS) original letters from the 500 delegates who were allegedly unable to participate in last year’s party polls.

The spokesman said it has been a month since the DAP leadership claimed to have the letters that will help clear the air on allegations that 753 delegates were denied of their right to vote but DAP has yet to submit them.

I want to first ask a question which reflects the indignant sentiment of many DAP members and supporters – “What more does RoS want?”

When RoS directed the DAP to hold fresh Central Executive Committee’s (CEC) election, does it not mean that he has completed the investigations into complaints against the party, despite the fact that the complaints are baseless and malicious?

By asking for the letters, is the RoS saying that the department has not completed its investigation? Then why was the instruction to DAP to order a fresh CEC election?

In the DAP CEC election held last December, there was no mistake in vote counting or tabulation but only in the posting of election results due to a computer glitch. And DAP has fully cooperated with the RoS’s investigations.

Except for the computer glitch which was an honest mistake that was rectified on its own by the CEC, there was nothing that the RoS could pin point and use as basis for ordering a fresh CEC election, hence his unfair and unprofessional decision to so instruct without giving any reason.

RoS could seek refuge in the technicality of the law, but the fact remains that till today, he owes the DAP an answer why he was not satisfied with explanations submitted by the party.

Since the RoS spokesman’s remarks is an attempt to mislead public into believing that DAP has something to hide about the 500 letters, I wish to set the record straight here.

DAP Special Congress Steering Committee Chairman Anthony Loke had at a press conference held on Aug 19, produced more than 500 letters submitted by DAP delegates to the party headquarters testifying that they had received notices to last December Congress where CEC election was held, but were unable to attend.

That was done to rebut the claim by the Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib who had on August 16 , claimed that on said DAP had no credibility as it claimed to practice democracy but are afraid to do so within its own party.

Najib said the DAP had failed to notify the 753 members of its CEC election which was held in December last year.

It was obvious that Najib himself was duped by the lie propagated against the DAP.

With the letters, Anthony has successfully debunked Najib’s claim that till today, he has not and is unable to utter a word of reply.

Despite being pressured earlier to state if the reason for ordering CEC fresh election is because 753 delegates had been denied their right to attend last December’s DAP Congress, the RoS has chosen not to respond. If he had responded, DAP would have produced the letters to expose the lie.

Over the last few months, there have been far too many lies and falsehoods being spread against the DAP with regard to the last December CEC election, the allegation that 753 delegates being denied the right to vote is only one of them.

With the fresh CEC election fast approaching, we can expect more lies and falsehoods aimed at sabotaging the election.

All DAP members must be united in the face of such unprecedented vicious and sustained attacks against the party and must not succumb to the lies and falsehoods.


10 Replies to “What more does RoS want?”

  1. Teresa Kok,

    It is quite obvious what Ro$ wants – another pat on the back, a scratch around the ears and a tickle around the tummy from it’s master, UMNO/BN.

    If making baseless allegations will get Ro$ rewarded by it’s master, Ro$ will gleefully make baseless allegations.

    If relying on “Father Augustus Chan” is what it’s master wants, Ro$ will happily quote the good “Father”.

    Ro$ is a political animal and it will do as political animals do :)

  2. Whatever DAP submits to RoS, it (DAP) should issue RoS the following letter and both sides should keep a copy of it.

    Item: Letters from Delegates
    Quantity: 500

    Date of Submission:
    Item submitted by: Mr. XXX of DAP

    Date of Receipt:
    Item received by: Mr. YYY of RoS

  3. Its quite obvious from ROS’s Director-General earlier comment of ‘don’t harbour false hope for approval for registering new party’..They ultimately want DAP gone…Just like Perkasa want non-Malays to ‘go back home’..

  4. They are part of the “first strike” against the opposition, especially the DAP.
    Because GE13 showed them that they are not invincible!
    They are as vulnerable as never before!!
    The fact that they lost the majority vote said plenty about the direction of the electorate!
    And they are fearful.
    Nay, phobic even!!!!
    And they will not stop until they think that the opposition has become docile!!
    So, the opposition will do well to take whatever measures it can to safeguard the the coalition and to ensure an equitable society.
    Rest assured that the citizens of this country will back you up.

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