The Moon-Cake Festival

by Allan CF Goh

Up in the blissful autumn night,
Hanging by the majestic pines,
The silvery moon proudly shines,
Sprouting her divine light so fine.
The serene lake tries valiantly,
To mirror the moon’s bright splendor,
By reflecting a rounded light,
Water-dancing in paired ardour.

The moon traces a blessed circle,
Symbolizing a completeness,
Of the abundance of family,
And their bonded togetherness.
The family gathers in great joy,
To celebrate the communion,
For receiving a good harvest,
For blessing a kin’s reunion.

This night the sweet moon-cake is shared
Amongst all in the family.
This signifies a roundedness,
Celebrated in homily.
This night, all the children rejoice
In the display of great lanterns,
Created for the moon festival
In a variety of patterns.


8 Replies to “The Moon-Cake Festival”

  1. See the full and golden moon
    Yes, up there in the sky tonight.
    It shines down on all of us
    Giving us much delight.

    It shines bright on Ibrahim Ali,
    On Kit, Najib and Nurul as well.
    For it discriminates against no one,
    It wishes everyone equally well.

    Admire the myriad, colourful lanterns
    As they make their rounds this night.
    Enjoy your cakes and tea my dears,
    As you experience this wondrous night.

  2. 明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒, 起舞弄清影,何似在人间。

    转朱阁,抵绮户,照无眠。不应有恨,何事偏向别圆。人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。

  3. Translation :

    Míngyuè jǐshí yǒu? Bǎjiǔ wèn qīngtiān. Bùzhī tiānshàng gōngjué, jīnxī shì hé nián. Wǒ yù chéng fēng guī qù, yòu kǒng qióng lóu yùyǔ, gāo chù bùshèng hán, qǐwǔ nòng qīng yǐng, hé shì zài rénjiān. Zhuǎn zhū gé, dǐ qǐ hù, zhào wúmián. Bù yìng yǒu hèn, héshì piānxiàng bié yuán. Rén yǒu bēihuānlíhé, yuè yǒu yīn qíng yuán quē, cǐ shì gǔ nán quán. Dàn yuàn rén chángjiǔ, qiānlǐ gòng chánjuān.

    Is this the signal for tonight’s uprising ?

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