9 Replies to “Hari Malaysia”

  1. Why are there no Sabahan or Sarawakian personalities in the video ? That is why they say they are being sidelined and colonised by the West.

    Santokh Singh can really dance the Bhangra (instead of with the ball, hehehe !).

    Nurul Izzah would look out of place 50 years ago. She would not yet be born anyways but she certainly can time travel. What did she see ? What did she learn ?

    And that man behind Ku Li, why is he looking for kutu ?

    Why everybody has so little hair then ?

    To give it an international flavour, Altantuya could have made a cameo somewhere in the crowd.

    Why is the young Ibrahim Ali in the video ? Is he up to something ?

    And just thinking aloud – if the late Chin Peng is seen in the crowd, it would have been something.

  2. Malaysia can forgive the Japanese for their atrocities during World War II but it just cannot forgive the late Chin Peng.

    Maybe it about money. The Japanese gave, what was it, US$ 5 billion or something which some claim is still yet unaccounted for. That must be it.

  3. So on this Malaysia Day, you have Mahathir pushing for his son to rise up the party, giving his rival KJ a better chance. Malaysia? UMNO is too messed up – you think they are in any position to think even just for Malaya, even just BN much less Malaysia?

  4. For Hari Malaysia, I have decided that my companies will no longer be paying taxes to the government. I will not allow my tax contributions to feed one particular race to the exclusion of others. I expect my taxes to go to the deserving irrespective of race.

    I will henceforth make donations (which are tax exempt) to needy bodies like the Association for the Blind, the Cancer Institute, even to IJN. The net result is that I don’t pay taxes to the rogue government.

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