Travesty of truth and distortion of history for Nazri to claim that Tanda Putera is well-researched movie and May 13, 1969 riots was caused by Chinese

It is a travesty of the truth and distortion of history for the Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz to claim that Tanda Putera is a well-researched movie and that the May 13, 1969 racial riots was caused by the Chinese.

No well-researched and historically-faithful movie would have succumbed to flights of wild imagination as to create the fictitious urination scene by Chinese youths at the flag-pole of the well-guarded Selangor Mentri Besar’s residence as one of causes provoking the May 13 racial riots – reckless of the racial misunderstanding, hatred and conflict that could be generated today after 44 years by this totally fictitious episode and downright lie.

Similarly, no well-researched and historically-faithful movie would have concocted a total lie, noted by Free Malaysia Today journalist K. Pragalath in his film review “Tanda Putera falls flat”, where he observed:

“Tanda Putera opens with a dramatic scene of an incident where DAP campaign workers kill an Umno campaign helper two weeks prior to the general election then.”

This is not history but pure fiction – nay, it is unadulterated evil, wicked falsehood and a treacherous and treasonous tale, for there was simply no such incident in 1969 where “DAP campaign workers kill an Umno campaign helper two weeks prior to the general election then”.

Nazri has done Malaysian nation-building a great disservice in making the baseless claim that the the May 13 riots was sparked by the Chinese, just as it would be most slanderous and most irresponsible for anyone to blame the May 13 riots on the Malays.

The May 13 riots was not caused by the Chinese or Malays but by irresponsible individuals who plunged the country into the most tragic and darkest period in the nation’s history.

Who are the culprits of the May 13, 1969 riots? This is subject of conflicting accounts.

This is why in my first speech in Parliament 42 years ago on February 23, 1971, I called for a Commission of Inquiry into the May 13, 1969 racial riots to find out their causes, assess the racial polarization in the country and to make recommendations to prevent a recurrence of the May 13, 1969 racial riots and arrest the racial polarization in the country.

My proposal for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the May 13 riots is still relevant and valid today, not so much to apportion blame or to punish the culprits as 44 years had elapsed since the occurrence of the national tragedy in 1969, but to ascertain the true causes and developments to present the historical truth to present and future generations and to heal the country’s worst racial wounds and to remove the spectre of May 13 from Malaysian history.

This would be be more worthwhile and constructive than spending public funds to allow a movie director the “creative licence” to concoct fictitious events about the May 13, 1969 riots, which could only worsen racial relations and polarisation in the country.


25 Replies to “Travesty of truth and distortion of history for Nazri to claim that Tanda Putera is well-researched movie and May 13, 1969 riots was caused by Chinese”

  1. /// Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said that it is “a historical fact that the riot was sparked by Chinese, (like the fact) that Nazis killed thousands of Jews during the Second World War” ///

    Thousands of Jews killed by the Nazis? Try 6 million, plus or minus thousands.

    With “facts” like these, who needs lies, fabrications and fiction from Nazi Aziz?

  2. To nazri the clown, avatar is a well researched and true story as well. So are Rob Roy and Pontianak. Where do they get all these ministers? From the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the sewer?

  3. History is always written by the winners and the Chinese being a minority group has to bear the lies spread by UMNO who is always a big bully. Insofar as May13 is concerned, the director under the directorship of UMNO had shamelessly lied to create animosity between the races, especially between the Chinese and the Malays for political expediency. It is seditious by any standard but anything which can bring advantage to UMNO is never seditious.
    Many of us who have witness, first hand of the May13 incident are still alive and we can vouch that it is orchestrated by some Ultras from UMNO. Yes the atmosphere was tense even before the election. A Chinese was shot point blank at the back of his head by the police while putting up an election banner in Jinjang. The corpse was lying in Cik Seng Tong ( which has been demolished) and I personally saw the dead man with the bullet hole. I think Tunku made the biggest mistake when he mentioned the words “an eye for an eye” as it not only heightened the tension but gave the ultras a passage to commit murder.
    To my mind it was a planned massacre by the UMNO ultras, to inflict maximum damage, cruelty beyond imagination, a wanton act, all for self-political interests. It was definitely planned and did not occur out of the blue as many Malays knew about this and stayed away but the non-Malays went about their routine as usual. That’s why the death is mainly from the Chinese community and together with the mad firing from the Malay regiment, UMNO cannot run away from this responsibilities. That explains why UMNO Baru will never dare to have a royal commission on the May13 tragedy.
    I happen to be around Princess Road ( now known as Jln Raja Muda) as a substitute for a Malay lady who did not turn up for the 4-6pm driving lesson. If she has turned up, perhaps I will not be around to relate my story. We have never heard of Lim Kit Siang urinating anywhere in or near Harun’s house, unless Lim is out of his mind or want to commit kamikazi and I remembered that Lim was out of Kl at that time. For the tourism minister to say that the film is well researched, either he is playing stupid or playing to gain some political mileage (maybe both). He knows UMNO can only bluff the Kampung folks and they know they have to depend on their votes for survival. For those urbanites and semi urbanites, these people know too well that UMNO are run by Morons. Obviously UMNO will find it hard to bluff them.

  4. Besides the people involved in producing this slut called tandas putera,how about the politicians and supporters screaming about the delights of this ficticious production.What do we call them?Sick,very very sick people.

  5. #8 “Welcome to najib’s world of expensive OIL.” – ENDANGERED HORNBILL

    Right hand gives before election and left hand takes back after election. That has always been BN’s strategy in winning the general election. They give you RM500 but take back RM5,000. The rakyat are the real losers in every GE where BN win.

  6. Tanda Putera is UMNO’s skewed version of the May 13 incident. It is malicious propaganda to indoctrinate and poison the minds of the gullible masses viz. the Felda settlers, farmers, fishermen, the rural people and university students, etc. Being aware of what happened and having lived through the period, to lump the May 13 incident (as fabricated in the movie) together with the lives of Tun Razak and Tun Dr Ismail and call it a patriotic movie is a misnomer. It cannot be denied that Tun Razak and Tun Dr Ismail were definitely great leaders of the nation in their own ways and should be given due recognition. From the write-up of the movie, it can be seen that Datuk Harun Idris has been cleverly absolved and exonerated of any transgression or culpability related to the incident – this raises questions.

    As a nation, we need to put to rest the spectre and ghosts of May 13 and move on; that’s fine. But this matter is constantly raised again and again by unscrupulous politicians especially before the General Elections. It is to the government’s advantage to harp on May 13 all the time to make sure their vote bank is secure, to hide their inadequacies in governing the nation, to cover up for corruption & cronyism and as a distraction from the many instances of financial mismanagement and scandals.

    This is the classic example of the tyranny of the elite of the majority group towards the minority groups in the country.

    Any constructive suggestion to have a Truth Commission or RCI is dismissed lightly by certain quarters as unnecessary. The government would not undertake this since certain groups would be implicated. If the government did not have the gumption to do this all these years, that leaves no choice but to convene a People’s Tribunal since many people who lived in Kuala Lumpur during the incident and were affected by it are still alive, so that the matter can be authenticated, compiled, collated and correctly documented for posterity.

  7. As bad as these lies are, they can’t compare to what Najib latest lie claiming BR1M will cushion the inflation of oil price hike. ANYONE WITH FRESHMAN ECONOMICS will tell you that direct payment WORSENS AN INFLATIONARY CONDITION..

    What really scares me is that NAJIB HAS NO CLUE THAT WHAT HE SAYS IS A LIE i.e. that he simply does not know his job. The same with Nazri and all these people making these comments of critical importance..

  8. Two points to remember KIT,

    1. History s written by the victor. Especially in Malaysia. They did not win BUT they control the press. So they will spin it whatever way they wish.

    2. Let this topic die. You have made your point. But continuing to harp on it, you help to advertise and perpetuate it. Let it die. In 100 days, it will be another piece of thrash.

  9. Nazri may think that the movie is “well-researched” but that research does not show up anywhere in the movie.

    It’s a bit worrying that a Minister of State cannot tell the difference between fiction and research.

    To make it even worse, Nazri is old enough where he should have known enough about the facts surrounding May 13, 1969.

    Nazri should know that there are still many Malaysians who have lived thru that traumatic period and they know what really happened.

    1. Sucker! Don’t shun away…

      Back to read what I have for you, sucker and mama/papa topper!!! Don’t be so cocky with your scientific knowledge and thinking and prejudices against others’ comments…

      Back to read what I have for you, sucker. Otherwise, shut all your gaps and back off to top your mama/papa… After topping, you can RIP…

      1. Bunch of Suckers,

        I have allowed you the last word over in the previous article as I think I should leave it there.

        I will try to keep this as brief as I can here so as to not add too much noise for others here.

        I apologise that I did not really understand what you wrote in response back there – it was quite difficult for me to follow what you were saying.

        You seemed to be covering way too much ground and I had difficulty connecting the points you raised. I tried to do you justice by reading each of your responses several times – really I did.

        For example, I am still wondering how my background in science, Alyantuya, has anything to do with the original discussion. Would you like to include my interest in small green men from Mars as well? :)

        I do appreciate the advice you gave about discussing such matters face to face and I can reassure you that I am not very concerned about the matters you raised.

        I can only suggest that you do learn how to debate effectively.

        Your current method of screaming and shouting and threats and denials and insults and attempts to squirm out of it do not do justice to the passion you may say you have for a clean, just and strong Malaysia.

        Anyway, if you insist on pursuing me everywhere through this blog, feel free. :)

        As long as it does not disturb other readers too much here in this blog, I will always be happy to engage in dialogue with you :)

        1. Sucker!

          Every attempt to save your face and cover up your mistakes for attacking insensibly others’ comments by bringing forward all sorts of excuses.

          Since your proficiency of English is damn high, please don’t tell me you couldn’t understand my simple comment, “Be vigilant, UMNO CIA/KGB???”. You just bragged out and attacked deliberately for showing off your genius…

          Need not you to “allow me…”, and I never want to debate with you, sucker!!!! Mind you to comment and response other’s comment sensibly without your damn sh*ts as to show off here. LKS’ blog is freely for anyone to express their opinions and bring up their personal ideas across… It doesn’t need a sucker/ mama topper like you to response insensibly and throw forward sarcastically by adding “unfavorable spices and artificial flavors” or words & sentences based on your prejudice assumptions for your cocky show-offs!!. Got this point straight into your head instead your two nuts below!!!

          Frankly, I dislike suckers like you who love to show off in front of me without substances… Interestingly, I do hope to have chance to experience your sucky show-offs personally with face-2-face. Let’s see what you will end up with…..

          1. Bunch of Suckers,

            Well, You are certainly persistent :)

            Pls stop this childish challenge about meeting face-to-face. I am an adult, I am a father and I will spank little children who fight.

            Such theatrical bravado might make you seem big and tough but it does nothing for your ability to think effectively.

            I want Malaysians to think effectively.

            I see, it is now my proficiency in English now, is it? Well, you are using four-syllable words yourself :)

            BTW, I don’t have to make any excuses for what I write.

            You are the person who has to justify your comment and so far I see no explanation other than some weak attempt to claim that you are giving advice about UMNO “suckers”.

            I quote “…The comment: “Be vigilant!!! UMNO CIA/KGB aboard???” is obviously advised DAP to be careful as UMNO suckers are good in cheating and swindling… They often play dirty and all sorts of tricks to win and stay powers…”

            Do you think that is an appropriate statement to make in an article which discusses a Malaysian Malay from an UMNO family who has joined DAP?

  10. We all know Nazri, the father of Nerdim, is on pills.

    When he takes the red pill, he tokkok.

    When he takes the blue pill, he koktok.

    When he forgets to take any pill, he talks grandmother stories.

  11. Tandas Putera is just a propaganda, nonsensical movie whose main aim is to demonise the Chinese and hopefully to win Malay support for UMNO. What is even more shocking is that the MCA President was reported by Sin Chew Daily to have come out publicly in support of the screening of this seditious movie.

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