DAP facing life-and-death struggle with the widening of the battleground and opening of a third phase of the UMNO/BN “DDD” campaign to demonise and destroy DAP

DAP is facing a life-and-death struggle with the widening of the battleground and opening of the third phase of the UMNO/BN “DDD” campaign to demonise and destroy the DAP.

In the past several months, the Umno/BN “DDD” – “Demonise/Destroy DAP” – battalions of propagandists and cybertroopers had launched two phases of assault on the DAP, viz:

Firstly, the outrageous and preposterous allegation of the non-existent DAP-financed “Red Bean Army” of 3,000 cybertroopers with a budget from RM100 million to RM1 billion in past six years to demonise and character-assassinate Umno/BN leaders; and

Secondly, the baseless and malicious campaign about electoral fraud in DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) elections last December, culminating in the booklet of lies by the fictitious “Father Augustus Chen” making two major allegations, namely “753 delegates (mostly Indians)” not notified of the DAP Congress and “543 phantom delegates (mostly from Penang)”, when both are complete lies and falsehoods.

In the two phases of the “DDD” campaign, the battalions of Umno/BN propagandists and cybertroopers had concocted and recycled hundreds of lies and falsehoods against the DAP especially in the Umno/BN media Utusan Malaysia and New Straits Times. Continue reading “DAP facing life-and-death struggle with the widening of the battleground and opening of a third phase of the UMNO/BN “DDD” campaign to demonise and destroy DAP”