DAP to hold fresh CEC elections

Media Statement by DAP National Chairman and MP for Bukit Gelugor, YB Karpal Singh, on 15.8.13:

Despite the strong legal position of the DAP that the directive of the Registrar of Societies that the party holds fresh CEC elections in that that directive does not have the sanctity or authority of law, in the larger interests of the party, and to avert deregistration of the party, the CEC resolved last night, to hold fresh CEC elections.

The DAP had made every effort to receive from the Registrar of Societies the reasons for his directive and the law upon which that directive had been based. In fact, DAP Secretary-General, Lim Guan Eng, as recent as a few days ago, sought to meet up with the Registrar of Societies to discuss the position but the Registrar of Societies declined to give him an appointment. To compound the position, the party’s repeated requests to the Registrar of Societies to be supplied with the complaints made against the party have been futile.

Under the circumstances, it is with regret, that as directed by the Registrar of Societies, the CEC of term 2008-2011 will meet up next Thursday to make the necessary preparations for the fresh CEC elections.

‘Duplicitous, dysfunctional and directionless’

By Ong Kian Ming | 11:07AM Aug 14, 2013

COMMENT This week marks the first 100 days of the Najib administration since May 5, 2013, when BN won 60 percent of parliament seats with only 47 percent of the popular vote.

Najib Abdul Razak has the distinction of being the first Malaysian prime minister to hold on to the reins of power without having won the majority of votes.

He has further distinguished himself by presiding over a duplicitous, dysfunctional and directionless government. If this is a sign of things to come, the next five years will, if Najib lasts that long, see things in the country going from bad to worse.


On the night of polling day, when it was announced that BN had retained power at the federal level, Najib called for a national reconciliation in order to unite the voters who had been “polarized” as a result of a high stakes and often heated general election campaign.
Continue reading “‘Duplicitous, dysfunctional and directionless’”

We have to keep the faith, even if our leaders can’t

— May Chee Chook Ying
The Malay Mail Online
August 14, 2013

AUG 14 — Many are making senseless statements; some to the extent of baying for blood. It’s almost unbelievable that our beloved motherland has descended to such depths. The irresponsible politics being played out by those morally bankrupt are keeping some people at the level of their instincts.

That’s what arrogant politics does – it divides the masses. It refuses to respond to new realities. It insists that the only way to solve problems is to bring back archaic structures and instruments that demean the human person. Are we still moving towards 2020, the year we are supposed to be a developed nation? How can a nation be developed when the puppeteers are still hoping to enslave the minds of the masses? To dictate to them and control their every move?

Things are coming to a head now in Malaysia. Instead of finding out what went wrong; whether those in power have had a share in the fault, looks like the liberty of some will have to be sacrificed in order to expedite matters. As usual, coming up with irresponsible band-aid solutions, e.g. bringing back the EO instead of implementing the ICPMC. Harking back to the dark old days when events in life are pushing us forward to change plans and directions? Continue reading “We have to keep the faith, even if our leaders can’t”