DAP National Legal Bureau should comb through the over 200 Utusan reports targetting and character-assassinating DAP since January to file multiple defamation suits against the Umno newspaper

The DAP National Legal Bureau headed by DAP MP for Puchong Gobind Singh Deo should comb through the over 200 Utusan Malaysia reports and articles targetting and character-assassinating DAP since January to file multiple defamation suits against the Umno newspaper.

In these reports and articles, Utusan Malaysia have ad nauseum repeated lies and falsehoods against the DAP and DAP leaders, particularly over the DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) elections at the DAP National Congress in Penang last December, in utter disregard of the basic canons of journalism with regard to ethics, honesty and truth.

This campaign directed by the Umno/BN “war room” to demonise and destroy the DAP reached its peak in April just before the 13th General Elections, and although its tempo slowed down immediately after the general elections in May, its momentum was accelerated in June and July, culminating in the directive by the Registrar of Societies to the DAP on CEC re-elections.

Although the Registrar of Societies did not give any reasons to the DAP for its directive on CEC re-elections, two false allegations had been prominently canvassed in the Utusan media offensive in the past six months to justify any RoS invalidation of the CEC elections last December:

  1. That 753 DAP delegates had not been notified of the DAP Congress and denied the right to vote for the new CEC.

  2. That there were 547 phantom delegates, primarily from Penang, who voted at the DAP Congress last December.

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Hari Raya Aidilfitri

By Allan CF Goh

Hari Raya Aidilfitri
To all our Muslim compatriots

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Ramadan is seeking Allah’s blessing,
From evils are the souls set free.
This day marks the end of fasting.

Ramadan tests men’s steadfastness
In accordance with God’s grace:
Full of forgiveness and fairness,
Purged of all the satanic trace.
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