Muhyiddin should apologise for jumping the gun in falsely blaming non-Muslim “callousness towards Islam and Muslim sensitivities” for the latest controversial 1.44 minute video

Two days ago, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin expressed concern over racial polarisation in the country “as the trend now is as if the people are getting more hypersensitive”.

Muhyiddin is right except that he has himself been the problem instead of being the solution to the problem of racial polarisation.

This is best illustrated by Muhyiddin’s strong reaction yesterday deploring “the callousness of some towards Islam and Muslim sensitivities” which he said could spark unrest and create discord among the people.

He said he was perplexed as to why some quarters were out to undermine Islam and Muslims.

He said: “Is this a manifestation of the assumption of some quarters that we (Muslims) are weak and that they could walk all over us? Or that we are afraid to react when others insult the sanctity of Islam?

“Could they be simply ignorant and not understand the values of faith?

“No Muslim has made fun of other faiths.” (New Straits Times p.6 31/7/13)

Muhyiddin was referring to a 1.44 minute video which showed an individual walking three dogs near a mosque with the takbir raya playing in the background.

Muhyiddin wanted the authorities to take swift action to prevent a recurrence, saying:

“Unfortunately, it keeps happening. We hope it will not reach a stage where it can trigger chaos, as what is happening in other Muslim nations.”

Muhyiddin said Malaysia was a blessed and prosperous nation where its people were privileged to perform their daily routine in peace. The people should not take the peace and harmony for granted.

Muhyiddin should apologise for jumping the gun in falsely blaming non-Muslim “callousness towards Islam and Muslim sensitivities” for the latest controversial 1.44 minute video.

Secondly, Muhyiddin should also apologise for condemning the video without checking the facts.

The maker of the 1.44 minute video, Maznah Mohd Yusof, better known as Chetz, has come out to deny that she had meant the clip as an insult to her religion, Islam.

She said: “I have no intention to demean Islam; I had begun making the video just for fun but later decided to ‘educate’ outsiders on dogs and cleanliness.” (The Malay Mail Online).

To Malaysiakini, she said:

“I love my religion. I think these people should learn about their religion first, and not misinterpret my video, which was made three years ago.

“My religion has taught me about the importance of cleanliness… hence this why in the video, I am cleaning myself and my dogs.”

Malaysia will be celebrating our 56th National Day in a month’s time but there will be nothing much to celebrate if the country continues to hurtle towards greater racial and religious polarisation in the country.

All leaders, in particular the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers and leaders from all political parties, both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat, must do their part to check the slide towards greater racial and religious polarisation in the country.

Can Muhyiddin play his part in this Malaysian nation-building process?

Yes, but he must demonsrate that he is a DPM for all Malaysians and not just for UMNO – that he is Malaysian first, Malay second rather than Malay first, Malaysian second as he had declared when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak unveiled his 1Malaysia signature policy four years ago.


26 Replies to “Muhyiddin should apologise for jumping the gun in falsely blaming non-Muslim “callousness towards Islam and Muslim sensitivities” for the latest controversial 1.44 minute video”

  1. Apologize? I don’t care for it. Its immaterial. HE PROVED HIMSELF UNWORTHY of leadership of this country – not just potentially the PM, even his current job. If he is a true patriot, not only of this country and even just the Malays alone, its the likes of SakMongkol, Rafizi and Zairil Johari he should sacrifice his ambitions and political capital to make the next leaders of the Malays and Malaysian..

    If Muhiyiddin really mean to apologize, he should for the next step is to go tell principle of SMK Alam Megah that she was ALSO wrong to tell Malays to go back to Indonesia AND also the principal of SK Sir Pristana that what he did was STILL WRONG including wrong to lodge police report against parents and wrong to intimidate student of the parent who started it.

    1. I agree with Bigjoe. He is a blatantly lying DPM and an inept Minister of Education. I do not know what defines the sanctity of any religion. What I do know is that children are our future, and young children should not be made to fast; as it will affect their health and their studies.

  2. The trainer has been arrested. Has this country gone to the dogs ?

    I pray that the government and religious authorities will not charge her for sedition, insulting a religion or whatever else and throw her into jail without bail.

  3. Ha, ha…..

    UMNO needs more people like Muhyiddin – the type of world-class personalities that will take UMNO on a toboggan ride downhill pronto.

    Ha, ha….and we need more Noh Omars too.
    They would look like diamond-studded pearls on UMNO’s bleak surface.

    Ha, ha ….Moo

  4. The video has been online for 3 years, nothing happened. Suddenly someone decide to open their mouth including Muhiyiddin and all hell breaks loose for her. If nothing negative has happened for 3 years, the crime isn’t with her. Its with those that watched and opened their mouth..

  5. BN seem to be hell bent on rallying the Malay psyche into their cause of using race and religion to cause division thru resentment, KJ, Mukhriz, TDM and few more on the New Village issue. Alvivi, The Allah controversy… anything and everything with a racial and religious overtone that can be used shamelessly to project themselves as champions of the Malays and cause resentment and polarisation among the communities.As if they are nervous about the recent showing of solidarity among all communities.Nothing is sacred in their diabolical plan.
    To the extent of victimizing an obviously loving and caring animal caregiver,that shows the compassion and virtues that the Almighty hopes to instill in his beings. to be extended to all HIS creations.They ought to be learning from her and not harassing her with such venom.

  6. When the DPM deplored “the callousness of some towards Islam and Muslim sensitivities that could spark unrest” he was obviously pointing a finger at the none-Muslims. And he said “Is this a manifestation of the assumption by some quarters that we (Muslims) are weak and that they could walk all over us? Or that we are afraid to react when others insult the sanctity of Islam?” Oh, this statement is extremely shocking and outrageous. Was he trying to pit the Muslims against the none-Muslims? How could he stoop to the levels of Zulkifli Noordin and Ibrahim Katak? The DPM claimed that no Muslim has made fun of other faith. Didn’t Zulkifli Noordin and the people involved in the “cow head” absurdity insult/make fun of the Hindu faith? The DPM owes the none-Muslim community a sincere and unreserved apology for his unfounded accusation.

  7. Now, where have I heard that Malaysian Muslims are too sensitive?

    We have a DPM who makes wild unfound accusations and begins stirring up religious sentiments which are a threat to national security.

    This is a DPM who is a danger to the peace and harmony of Malaysian society.

    As for the person who posted those videos, she has every right to celebrate her religion the way she sees fit WITHOUT interference from ANYBODY.

  8. Chinese bashing is commonplace immediately after the 13th GE. That is why the DPM didn’t even bother to check who actually uploaded this 1.44 minute video clip and straight away jumped to the conclusion that it must be uploaded by a none-Muslim, most likely a Chinese again. UMNO party elections are just round the corner. Don’t expect him to offer any apology for his gaffe.

  9. Muhyiddin apologise? You gotta be kidding. UMNO never apologises.

    The lights in his Ministry are still on. They must be working overtime to find a face-saving excuse.

    This month of July alone we have had:

    1. The AVIVI bak-kut-teh case
    2. The school-toilet dining case
    3. The case of the 4 Miss Malaysia Muslim contestants
    4. Now this dog-video thing.

    What a month. Thank Al-lah it is over.

  10. She is a dog trainer. Is her job also trampling on sensitivities that could spark unrest and create discord among the people? What’s difference between her showing that her job is training dogs (that so far is Ok) and showing that she’s cleaning them (that is not OK)?? Where’s the voice of moderation that launched the Global Movement for Moderates?

  11. The whole problem with this country is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. We allow the most atrocious lies uttered by political and moral prostitutes to go unchallenged. These lies are endlessly recycled in the government controlled media until they become ingrained in the public conscience as truth. Worse than burying our heads in the sand, we bury them up our collective @ss. How do you like the view, Mr. DPM?

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