In Memory: Koh Yeow Tong

by Allan CF Goh

Yeow Tong is the name,
Athletics, his fame.
He raced with the wind
For his famous wins.
He soared in the jumps,
Never mind the bumps.

Came the sun or rain,
On field, he would train.
In rugby, football,
And more, he walked tall.
Now he lies stilled, lamed;
Classmates mourn his name.

May his soul rest in peace,
By God’s side, feeling pleased.

5 Replies to “In Memory: Koh Yeow Tong”

  1. Every man’s death subtracts from me
    For I am involved in mankind.
    Therefore do not send to ask
    For whom the bell tolls.
    It tolls for thee!

    (Part of a poem by John Donne. It is the custom of certain Christians to toll the ‘knell” – single rings of a church bell at intervals of say, 20 seconds – to signal the death of a christian, and to ask for prayers for the repose of the soul of the deceased).

    Since the bell tolls for me, I say to whomsoever you are Mr.Yeow: R.I.P.

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